写经验 领红包



书中的方程使用熟悉的斜体和希腊符号排版,如 f(x, y)=Asin(ux +uy) 和 t(u, v)= tan-1[ (u, v)/R(u, )]。 所有 MATLAB 函数名称和符号都以等宽字体排版,如 fft2(f)、logical(A) 和 roipoly(f, c, r)。 MATLAB 或图像处理工具箱函数的第一次出现通过使用突出显示 页边距上的以下图标:




提到键盘键时,我们使用粗体字母,例如 Return 和 Tab。 在提及计算机屏幕或菜单上的项目(例如文件和编辑)时,我们也会使用粗体字母。


Equations in the book are typeset using familiar italic and Greek symbols, as in f(x, y)=Asin(ux +uy) and t(u, v)= tan-1[ (u, v)/R(u, )]. All MATLAB function names and symbols are typeset in monospace font, as in fft2(f), logical (A), and roipoly(f, c, r).The first occurrence of a MATLAB or Image Processing Toolbox function is highlighted by use of the following icon on the page margin:

Similarly, the first occurrence of a new (custom) function developed in the book is highlighted by use of the following icon on the page margin:

function name

The symbol used as a visual cue to denote the end of a function listing.

When referring to keyboard keys, we use bold letters, such as Return and Tab. We also use bold letters when referring to items on a computer screen or menu, such as File and Edit.
