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导语:我要学英语 Michelangelo-Artist and Man(1)


To rank as a masterpiece, a work of art must stand as a supreme and timeless accomplishment. Creating one work this extraordinary could be the corwning glory of any artist&39;s Cathedral in Rome. His talents were so exceptional that during his own lifetime, he was called &34;.

For centuries, Michelangelo has been perceived as a tortured and lonely--a solitary genius who suffered both personal and financial agonies in creating his art. In truth, for much of his life, Michelangelo lived quite well. Yet ,no matter how successful he became, he never lost his burning need to create. While countless other artists fade from memory, Michelangelo and his work endure. And as generations pass, many wonder what inspired this exceptional man to produce such immortal creations.


要跨入杰作的行列,一件艺术品必须要作为一项至高无上并永恒的成就。创作出这样一件艺术品可能是任何艺术家生命中的最高荣誉,而在这些艺术家中,在不止不个艺术分支里创造出杰作并斩获殊荣的艺术家,更是凤毛麟角。米开朗基罗 博那罗蒂几乎完全独立于世。他的大量创作包括:为西斯廷教堂天花板增光添彩的生动的圣经场景;英雄大卫的大理石雕像;以及不朽的罗马圣彼得大教堂的中央计划。他的才华如此出色,以至于在他活着的时候,他就被誉为“神圣”。

