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在生活中,很多人可能想了解和弄清楚人教版七年级下册 Unit1-Unit7词性复习的相关问题?那么关于七年级下册英语书单词表词性的答案我来给大家详细解答下。


七年级下册英语 词性变化复习 (一)Unit 1-Unit7 参考答案


1:My grandpa likes to tell us funny (fun) stories.

fun 名词 “娱乐;玩笑” funny 形容词“滑稽的,有趣的”

2:My uncles has an interesting (interest) job.

interest 名词 “兴趣;爱好” ; interesting 形容词“有趣的”

3:A:let’s help to find the lost (lose) cat. B:All right.

lose 动词“迷失;迷路” ; lost 形容词 “迷失的”

4: The weather is sunny(sun)today. Let’s go bike riding in the countryside.

sun 名词“太阳”; sunny 形容词“晴朗的”

5:It often rainy(rain) here in summer. I usually take an umbrella.

rain 动词/名词 “下雨/雨” rainy 形容词 “下雨的”

6:It’s cloudy (cloud) today. I don’t want to go out.

cloud 名词 “云”; cloudy 形容词“多云的”

7:It’s a snowy (snow) day. We must wear warm clothes.

snow 动词/名词 “下雪;雪”; snowy 形容词 “下雪的”

8:The ice-cream tastes really good .(well) .

taste 是感官系动词 后+ 形容词 作表语

9:My grandparents have a healthy (health) lifestyle.

health 名词“健康”; healthy 形容词 “健康的”

10:Her sister is very beautiful (beauty) .

beauty 名词“美人;美”; beautiful 形容词“漂亮的;美丽的”

11:Henry gets on well with everyone in our class. He’s always friendly (friend) to all of us.

friend 名词“朋友”; friendly 形容词 “有好的”be friendly to sb “对某人友好”

12:The days of spring are windy (wind) and bright.

wind 名词 “风”; windy 形容词 “刮风的”

13:He goes to school after he eats breakfast quickly (quick) .

quick 形容词 “快的”一般修饰名词 quickly 副词 “快地;迅速地”一般修饰动词

14:It’s dangerous (danger) to play with fire.

danger 名词“危险”; dangerous 形容词;“危险的”

15:Health is really important for us, and we must keep heatlhy (health).

health 名词“健康”; healthy 形容词 “健康的”keep healthy “保持健康”

16:It is relaxing to relax ourselves on the beach . ( relax) .

It is adj to do sth “做某事… (怎么样)”

relax 动词“放松”;relaxing 形容词“令人放松的”

17:You mustn’t be noisy (noise) in the library .

noise 名词“噪音”不可数; noisy 形容词“吵闹的,有噪音的”

18:Lions are scary . Are you scared of them ?(scary)

scary 形容词 “令人害怕的;吓人的”主语一般为物;scared 形容词 “害怕的”主语一般是人;

19:Look at the sun. It’s sunny here. (sun )

sun 名词“太阳”; sunny 形容词“晴朗的”

20:There are different kinds of flowers on the trees and some smell kind of sweet(kind) .

kind ① 名词 “种类”different kinds of 各种各样的

② kind of “稍微;有点”后+形容词

温馨提示:通过以上关于人教版七年级下册 Unit1-Unit7词性复习内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。