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导语:外贸保险中的术语 中英文对照


Principle risks 基本险

F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average) 平安险

W.A. or W.P.A.(With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险

All Risks 一切险

Additional Risks(extraneous risks)附加险

General Additional Risks 一般附加险

T.P.N.D.(Theft, Pilferage&Non–delivery)偷窃,提货不着险

Fresh and/or Rian Water Damage Risk 淡水雨淋险

Shortage Risk 短量险

Intermixture & Contamination Risks 混杂沾污险

Leakage Risk 渗漏险

Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损/破碎险

Taint of Odour Risk 串味险

Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破裂险

Rust Risk 锈损险

Hook Damage Risk 钩损险

Sweating &Heating Damage 受潮/受热险

Special Additional Risks 特殊附加险

S.R.C.C.(Strikes,Riots, Civil Commotions)


War Risk 战争险

Import Duty 进口关税险

On Deck Risk 舱面险

Failure to Delivery Risk 交货不到险

Rejection Risk 拒收险

Aflatoxin Risk 黄曲霉素险

Survey in Customs Risk 海关检验险

Survery at Jetty Risk 码头检验险

General Average 共同海损

Particular Average 单独海损

insurance claim 保险索赔

the insurer 承保人

the insured 投保人

statement of claim 索赔报告

survey report 检验报告

insurance claim 保险索赔

marine insurance policy 海洋运输保单

for buyers' account 由买方承担

debit note 索款通知

premium 保险费

Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款

The purpose of insurance is to provide compensation for those who suffer from loss or damage.


We now desire to have the shipment insured at your end.

