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导语:你只会把by word of mouth读成中文“口碑”吗?

你只会把by word of mouth读成中文“口碑”吗?


读到英语We don't have big money for marketing and advertising,so we hope to get our customers by word of mouth时,你只能把by word of mouth“读成”中文“口碑”“口口相传”吗?

“理解”英语by word of mouth的除了中文外,通过把by word of mouth读成英语,你还有机会“用”到下面你学过的英语。你需要有或者需要训练自己有这个把英语“读成”英语,把学过的英语用起来的能力:

1. Well,when we say We do something by word of mouth,we mean We pass information from person to person through verbal(oral) communication instead of writing.

So,we can say:How did you hear about our bakery? Oh, I got it by word of mouth. My dad told me about it.

2.Well,When you say You do something by word of mouth,you mean you spread information by speaking rather than writing.

3.Well,do something by word of mouth means you do it orally, or by one person telling another.

So we can say:We don't advertise,we get all our customers by word of mouth(by spreading information from person to person,by oral communication).


注:是word of mouth,不是word of THE mouth,没有the,应试教育一族要注意这点,否则考试扣分。
