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导语:英语语法专项之介词 by的14种用法


1. by+交通工具。

表示凭借、乘坐某种交通工具,在句中作方式状语。如:by car, by plane, by bike 等。

eg. She went to Beijing by air.

2. by +doing sth.



You can improve your English ___B___practicing more.

A. by B. with C. of D. in

注意: 对by引导的介词短语作方式状语, 提问时用how。

—— How do you study for a test?

—— By listeningto tapes.

3. (表示位置)在……近旁; 在身边; 靠近。

eg. On a cold evening,It is pleasant to sit bythe fire.

4. (表示时间)不迟于,在什么之前。

eg. Be here by four o'clock. (4:00之前到这儿。)


How many English songs had you learned___A___ the end of last term?

A. by B. with C. at D. in

解析: by the end of last term, 译为”到上个学期末“。

5. 表示方向,从……中经过。

eg. They came in bythe back door. ( 他们是从后门进来的。)

6. 做介词, 译为“经过”。

eg. He walked by me without speaking. (他走过我的身边,没有说话。)

7. 用在反身代词之前,译为“独自”。

eg. Sarah couldn't move the heavy box by herself.。

8. 表示动作的执行者,用于被动语态,译为:”被,由“。

eg. The glasses are usedby us.

9. 表示“根据“,“按照”的意思。

eg. What time is it by your watch? (你的表几点了?)

10. 和take,hold等动词连用,说明接触身体的某一部分。

eg.I took him by the hand。(我拉住了他的手。)


4 divided by 2 is 2. (4除以2等于2)。

12. 表示幅度。

Violent crime has increased by10 percent since last year.( 暴力犯罪自去年以来增加了10%。)

13、以…计;按…计。Billing isby the minute. (以分钟计账。)

14. 用于一些固定短语中, 如:

by the way 顺便问;one by one 一个接一个的;step by step 一步步地;day by day 一天接一天地;by accident 偶然地…

