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今天跟大家介绍一个能让你的口语瞬间“溜”起来的单词-HIT. hit这个单词想必大家都认识,作为动词,Hit有“击,打”的意思。但是hit在口语或者非正式场合当中,有非常多意思,今天就跟大家介绍部分含有hit的短语:

hit 做动词

hit the road(出发)

e.g: it is getting late. let&39;d better hit the books now.

hit the sack/hey上床睡觉

e.g. i hit the sack at eleven.

hit the sack

hit it off(一见如故)

e.g. Julie and i really hit it off when we met at the part for the first time.

hit it off

hit on somebody 开始与某人调情

e.g. the guy working at the bar started to hit on Nancy the moment she walked in.

hit the ground running一炮打响;一举成功;精力充沛地开始一天

e.g. I believe our new manager will hit the ground running when she starts work here.

hit the ceiling/roof勃然大怒

e.g. My dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out i have been out of job for nearly two months.

hit the jackpot(意外)发大财

e.g. i hit the jackpot in the lottery.

hit somebody when they are down落井下石

e.g. it is not in your best interest to hit them when they are down.

hit somebody where it hurts击中某人要害

e.g. By questioning his parenting, Gina hit Ken where it hurt most.

hit sb (up) for sth 向某人要钱

e.g. Susan always hits me up for money to buy shoes.

hit the shops/streets/stores大量上市

e.g Her new book will hit the shops next month.

hit 做名词


e.g. her new album is a hit (她的新专辑大受欢迎)

二,表示挫折,to take a hit遭受挫折(挫败),相当于blow

My business took a hit when Donald Trump decided to impose tarrifs on Chinese goods.
