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1) 把学过的英语用起来:我会说farmyard chicken,但是,我不知道能不能用farmyard chicken are more tasty把“放养土鸡”在Yahoo上找出来。

那就Yahoo Yahoo吧。

2) Yahoo farmyard chicken are more tasty


1.Is free-range chicken more flavourful? - Seasoned Advice

Free-range chicken is generally a lot more expensive than battery farm chicken, but it's often claimed it is better tasting. I'm curious if restaurants stick to this mantra and use free-range chicken, or if it's just psychological, and if there any benefits besides ethical ones.

2. Does free-range chicken taste better? - New Food Economy

Free-range seems to be the more humane option. But does it make a difference on the plate? A group of Belgian researchers tried to find out. Taste is an incredibly subjective measure. But a recent study may give proponents of free-range reason to cluck. ... Does free-range chicken taste better?

1. 读到里面的free-range chicken了吗?这就是“答案”了!

2. 我说more tasty,人家说more flavorful=taste better,都是一个意思。

3) 也许你觉得用中文记住一个英语单词free range chicken就可以解决“放养土鸡”的英语问题了,而我则继续Yahoo what is free-range chicken

4) Yahoo what is free-range chicken

5) 我现在学会用英语理解和表达英语free range chicken了:


"Free range" is also known as Free roaming.It brings to mind wide open spaces and animals live in nature, eat natural foods and soaking in the sunlight,etc.

Okay.I got you.这下我再也不用中文“放养土鸡”里英语free range chi ken了:我记英语!

1. Okay.I got it.Free range chicken are also called Free roaming(漫游) chicken.

2. Free range,or free roaming chicken means They live in wide open spaces.They live in nature,.They eat natural foods and they soak in the sunlight,etc.

