写经验 领红包




21、______E_______,Mike takes great interest and likes asking questions.

A As far as history is concerned B Concerning history C When it comes to history D as for history E all the above are correct

as far as …concerned, concerning, when it comes to, as for均有关于、至于、就…而言的意思。

22、Hang zhou is known ___C_____the West Lake.

A as B in C for D about

be known for因…而著名;be known as作为…而著名;be known in在…方面而著名。

23、Mao Ze dong was famous __A___a great politician.

A as B in C for D about

be famous for因…而著名;be famous as作为…而著名;be famous in在…方面而著名。

24、The food has gone __B____.

A rotted B rotten C badly D worse

这里的“go”为联系动词,后接形容词作表语。类似可作联系动词的还有become, turn, grow, get, feel, sound, look, smell, taste等。rotten为rot的过去分词,这里作形容词用,意思为腐烂的。

25、The old house smells __B_____the dead mice and the rotten food.

A about B unpleasant of C unpleasantly of D unpleasant about

smell 为联系动词,意思是闻起来,后接形容词作表语。

26、Jim, together with his parents ___B____the movie already.

A have seen B has seen C have saw D saw

Jim为主语,together with his parents为介词短语,作状语,故答案为B。

27、I don’t know ___C___.

A What wrong is with the radio

B What the wrong is with the radio

C What is wrong with the radio

D What the radio is wrong with

宾语从句要用陈述句语序,what 为疑问代词,但在这个句子中其本身已经是主语,故不需要再改变语序。

28、My family ___B___watching TV shows.

A likes B like C is like D is liking

family作为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数,如My family is a big one;但强调家庭中具体成员时,谓语动词用复数。此题明显为家庭中具体成员,故答案为B。

29、Would you like some black coffee? Yes. I prefer coffee __C____tea.

A with B than C to D of

prefer 更喜欢=like better, 其句型为:prefer sth, prefer sth to sth, prefer to do sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth, prefer to do sth rather than do sth.

30、The doctor did what he could ____C___ the injured patient.

A save B saved C to save D saves

What he could在句子中作宾语,could后面省略了动词原形do,故选C,动词不定式作目的状语。
