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Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy(Reading)

1. Useful chunks

1. take your first step towards a new and improved you

2. understand the benefits of exercise

3. do wonders for the body and mind

4. increase the efficiency of your heart and lungs

5. tend to have better immune systems

6. be at lower risk of diseases

7. get over negative feelings

8. improve certain brain functions

9. plan your exercise routine

10. increase muscle strength

11. encourage bone development

12. flexibility training

13. stretch your muscles

14. play role in a healthy routine

15. stick with sth

16. keep up your energy during a long workout

17. in general/ generally speaking

18. make up for water lost to sweat

19. prevent soft tissue injury

20. wear proper clothes and equipment

21. warm up

22. a range of health benefits

23. make up for their lack of exercise

24. put stress on the body

25. prevent sb. from getting hurt

26. have a positive effect on physical health

2. Useful sentences

1. It has also been proven that active people tend to have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases.

2. Some studies even show that exercise improves certain brain functions, meaning you could actually exercise your way to better performance at school.

3. When to eat is also of great importance.

Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy(Reading)

1. Useful chunks

1. 向新的、更好的自己跨出第一步

2. 了解锻炼的益处

3. 对身心大有益处

4. 增强心肺功能

5. 往往有更好的免疫系统

6. 患病风险更低

7. 克服负面情绪

8. 改善某些大脑机能

9. 规划日常锻炼

10. 增加肌肉强度

11. 促进骨骼发育

12. 柔韧性训练

13. 舒展肌肉

14. 在健康的日常生活中发挥一定作用

15. 坚持

16. 在长时间运动时给你维持能量

17. 一般而言

18. 弥补出汗损耗的水分

19. 避免软组织受伤

20. 穿戴合适的衣服和护具

21. 热身

22. 各种健康益处

23. 弥补锻炼的缺失

24. 给身体施压

25. 防止某人受伤

26. 对身体健康有积极的影响

2. Useful sentences

1. 有证据表明,经常锻炼的人往往免疫系统会更好,患病的风险更低。

2. 甚至有研究显示锻炼可以改善某些大脑机能,也就是说,通过锻炼,你确实可以提高自己的学习成绩。

3. 什么时间吃也很重要。
