写经验 领红包




一. 写出这些单词的汉语意义。

1. imagine _________ 2. impolite ________ 3. impossible ________

4. include _________ 5. Indian ________ 6. influence ________

7. instead ________ 8. interested _________ 9. interview ________

10. island _________

二. 按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。

1. imagine __________(现在分词)

2. impolite ________(反义词)

3. impossible _________(反义词)

4. interested ________ (比较级)

5. interview ___________(动词过去式)

6. island_________(复数形式)

三. 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。

1. You can _________(imagine) how strange a UFO was .

2. It’s _________(polite) to throw litters everywhere.

3. We found it _________ (possible) to finish the great work in one day without any help.

4. Most children take part in activities _________(include) sports, language learning, music and math classes.

5. An __________(Indian) comes from India.

6. Yang Lei likes being a good _________(influence ) in the children’s lives.

7. He went to play soccer _________(instead) of basketball.

8. More and more people are ___________(interesting) in collecting stamps.

9. A reporter is ___________(interview) Xiao Wang over there.

10. These ________(island) belong to China.

四. 根据短文意思及汉语意义,写出合乎句意的单词。

You can’t ____1___ (想象) that a man lived in a alone ____2___ (岛屿) for a year without any help. Maybe you think it’s ___3____(不可能). But it’s true. It’s said that an ____4___(印度人) did that. The Indian man was always _____5___(对……感兴趣)in living in a place far away without any people. So he took part in an activity that experienced the alone life without any help. He was wanted to take one match and a knife . Finally , he succeeded. Later a TV station reporter _____6__(采访)him and he talked about his experience in the island.



一. 1. 想象;设想; 2. 无礼的;粗鲁的;3. 不可能的;不会发生的;4. 包括;包含;5. 印度的;印度人(的);印第安语(的);6. 影响;7. 代替;而不是;8.感兴趣的;9. 面试;面谈;10. 岛;岛屿

二. 1. imagining 2. polite; 3. possible; 4. more interested; 5. interviewed ; 6. islands

三. 1. imagine; 2. impolite; 3. impossible; 4. including; 5. Indian; 6. influence; 7. instead; 8. interested; 9. interviewing; 10. islands

四. 1. imagine; 2. island; 3. impossible; 4. Indian; 5. interested; 6. interviewed
