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导语:形容别人一般般的单词有哪些?Just so-so....

形容别人一般般的单词有哪些? Just so-so, Not Bad, It is OK,just as usual, average.

老外问你How are you doing?或者How is everything going today?

很多人都会回答Just so-so,其中so-so是一个单词,可以做形容词或者副词来用,表示的就是“一般般,马马虎虎”的意思,英语解释就是“Neither very good nor very bad”(既不好也不坏),同义词有average,not bad,all right,fine,OK(or okay)等等。

比如说,Last week I went to the theater. I had a very good seat but the performance was just so-so. 上个星期,我去剧院看戏,我的位置很不错,但是表演却很一般。

和英文just so-so表达类似含义的说法还有很多,当别人问你过得如何时,还可以用下面5种说法:

1. Not Bad. 还不错。

如,——How is your English? 你的英语如何?

——Not bad, but I am out of practice. I haven’t spoken English for three years.还行,只是长时间没练习,我已经三年没说英语了。

2. It is OK.或者I’m okay.

——What’s the matter? You look so sad. 你没事吧?你看上去很伤心。

——I’m okay. I just miss you and my family. 我还行,就是有点想你和家人。

或者也可以说,It is OK, thanks. You know, I'm just a bit homesick now.谢谢,还好吧,我就是现在有点想家。

3、just as usual同往常一样/一切如故。这也是比较熟悉的朋友间,较为常用的一种说法。

——How is everything going today at school,son?儿子,你今天在学校过得如何?

——Mum,just as usual, nothing special.妈妈,同往常一样,没什么特别的。

这样的说法如果配合上懒散的语气,就会略有点敷衍的感觉,同样的,如果你想要敷衍了事,也可以用“I’m fine, and you?”或者“Yeah.”来简单地回答。


——Well, what's up? Is Phoebe okay? 怎么回事?菲比还好吗?

——Oh, yeah, yeah. 还好,还好。


——Susan likes to play the violin and the flute. Does she play well? 苏珊喜欢拉小提琴和吹长笛,她演奏得好么?

——Well. She used to play very well. But now it’s just average. 她过去演奏得不错,不过现在只是一般的水平。

