写经验 领红包
 > 自然




Module 4


(1)时间:on sports day“在运动会期间”、at 5 o’clock“在五点”、

at the Spring Festival“在春节的时候”、at Christmas“在圣诞节的时候”


①on the left/right、on your left/right、 at the station“在车站”、

at the zoo“在动物园”、live at No.2 Park Street“住在公园路2号”、

in the sea“在海里”、in the sky“在天空中”、behind the tree“在树后”、up the hill“在上山”、down the hill“在下山”

②next to、beside、near都表示“在旁边、附近”,位置关系由近到远依次为next to“紧挨着”、beside“在旁边”、near“附近”

③between“在…之间”,between A and B“在A与B之间”

④I’m from+地点.“我来自…”,如I’m from China.地名前不加the,

I’m from the UK.字母缩写必须加the

(3)其他:by plane“乘飞机”、 go with you“跟你一起去”、

juice with ice“带冰的果汁”、

noodles with tomato and egg“西红柿鸡蛋面”、

a book about China“一本关于中国的书”


(1)turn left/right“向左/右转”、go straight on“直走”、get on“上(车)”、get on the bus“上公交车”、get up“起床”、come here“到这来”

come in“进来”、 come on“加油”、 turn on“打开”

turn on the light“把灯打开”、run fast“跑得快”、

run the 100 metres“跑一百米”、fly high“飞得高”、jump far“跳得远”

(2)read a book、read books“看书”

take a picture、 take pictures“拍照”、watch TV“看电视”

play football“踢足球”、play basketball“打篮球”、play chess“下象棋”、play with a toy train“玩玩具火车”、 fly a kite“放风筝”

ride a bike“骑自行车”、ride a horse“骑马”、climb a tree“爬树”

do taijiquan“打太极拳”、do the high jump“参加跳高”

do the long jump“参加跳远”、row a dragon boat“划龙舟”

drink soya milk“喝豆浆”、draw pictures“画画”

visit the zoo“参观动物园”、visit Hainan“参观海南”

visit my grandpa“看望我的爷爷”、make noodles“做面条”

make dumplings“包饺子”、make a cake“做蛋糕”

make sb sth=make sth for sb“给某人做某物”

give sb sth=give sth to sb“把某物给某人”

listen to music“听音乐”(不要忘写to)

talk to my friend“与我的朋友谈话”(不要忘写to)

go to do sth“去做某事”、like doing sth“喜欢做某事”



例子:Look at the picture. You can see lots of monkeys.

Look at the girl. She is watching the cat.

②see、watch后直接加名词,look必须加at才能加名词、have a look“看一看”


①“吃、喝”=eat或drink,如have dinner“吃晚餐”、have a big family dinner“家庭聚餐”

②“上(课)、进行”,如have a sports day“开运动会”

③“有”,have=have got,比对there be句型记忆


fast food“快餐”、this month“这个月”、every day“每天”

the Spring Festival=the Chinese New Year“春节”(专有名词加the)

lots of=a lot of“许多”、


(1)单复数:this-these、child-children、man-men、tomato- tomatoes、potato-potatoes、sheep单复数同形

fish ①动词“钓鱼”,②名词“鱼肉”不可数,③名词“鱼(条数)”单复数同形



(1)also“也”,用在情态动词/助动词/be动词之后,实义动词之前,如I can also swim. It is also very nice.

(2)so“如此”,相当于very,如They can fly so high. They can fly very high.
