写经验 领红包
 > 健康




1,数字+hundred,thousand,+名词复数, hundreds of (成百上千),thousands of 成千上万

I have two hundred books 我有两百本书。 I have hundreds of books 我有上百本书。

I have two thousand books 我有两千本书。 I have thousands of books 我有上千本书

2,stop doing 停止做某事,stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

I stop watching TV 我停止看电视。 I stop to watch TV 我停下来去看电视

3,think of 想起,think about 考虑,think over 思考

I am thinking of you 我正在想你

I am thinking about your question 我正在考虑你的问题

I am thinking over the problem 我正在思考这个问题

4,be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事,be afraid of sth 害怕某事

I am afraid to swim 我害怕去游泳。 I am afraid of dogs 我害怕狗

5,come true 实现

I can make my dreams come true 我能让我的梦想成真

6,How do you go toschool ?你怎么去上学

1,I go to school by bus =I take a bus to school 我乘坐公交车去上学

2,I go to school by bike=I ride a bike to school 我骑单车去上学

3,I go to school by taxi=I take a taxi to school 我乘坐的士去上学

4,I go to school by car =I drive my car to school 我驾驶我的车去上学

5,I go to Beijing by plane= I take a plane to Beijing 我乘坐飞机去北京

6,I go to Beijing by ship =I take a ship to Beijing 我乘坐轮船去北京

7,I go to school on foot = I walk to school 我走路去学校

8,I go to school by subway=I take the subway to school 我乘坐地铁去上学

9,I go to Beijing by train=I take a train to Beijing 我乘坐火车去北京

10,I go to Beijing by boat=I take a boat to Beijing 我乘坐小舟去北京

7,How far is it from your school to your home ?从你家到学校有多远?

It’s about two miles 它大约有两英里

8,take ,spend,pay,cost 的区别

it takes sb sth to do sth 花费某人。。。去做。。。

It takes me two hours to do homework 做作业花费了我两个小时

Sb spend sth on sth= Sb spend sth (in)doing sth某人花费。。。去做。。。

I spend two hours on English= I spend two hours (in)learning English 我花费了两个小时学习英语

Sb pay sth for sth 某人为了。。。花费。。。

I pay two hours for my English homework 我花费了两个小时在我的英语作业上

Sth cost sb sth 某物花费某人某物

The coat cost me two dollars 这件外套花费了我两美元

9,How long does it take to get to school ?多久时间能到达学校?

It takes me two hours to get to school 它花费我两个小时到达学校

10,from。。。to 从。。。到

I go to school from Monday to Friday 我去上学从星期一到星期五

11,get to =arrive in(到达大地点)/arrive at(到达小地点)reach 到达

I get to school=I arrive at school =I reach school 我到达学校

I get to Beijing =I arrive in Beijing =I reach Beijing 我到达北京

12,be like =look like 看起来像

I am like my father =I look like my father 我看起来像我的爸爸

13,He is a ten-year-old boy 他是一个十岁的男孩

14,by 乘坐,旁边,在。。。之前

I come here by bus 我乘坐巴士来这里

I go to bed by ten o’clock 我十点以前睡觉

I stand by the house 我站在这个房子的旁边

I study by reading many books我学习通过读书
