写经验 领红包
 > 情感





(1) 以s结尾的复数名词所有格在词尾右上角加“’”;不以s结尾的复数名词所有格在词尾加“’s”。如:

Teachers’ Day教师节;

Children’s Day 儿童节

(2) 若所属物是两者共有的,则在后一个名词后加“’s”。例如:

Tom and Jack’s mother 汤姆和杰克的妈妈(Tom和Jack是一家人)


Tom’s and Jack’s mothers 汤姆的妈妈和杰克的妈妈(Tom和Jack不是一家人)

(3) “of” 所有格通常用来表示无生命的名词的所属关系,其语序与汉语恰恰相反。如:

a map of China 一幅中国地图

a picture of my family 一幅我家的全家照

(4) 若表示某物属于某人所有的同一物品里的一部分时,则要用双重所有格形式表示。即“of + ’s所有格/名词性物主代词”。例如:

a picture of Mary’s 玛丽的一张照片(表示所有照片中的一张)

【注意】(1) 当“’s”表示所有关系时,每个“’s”结构都可以有一个对等的of。例如:

The teacher’s book is on the desk. = The book of the teacher is on the desk.

(2) 但表示类别时,“’s”所有格不能用of所有格替代。例如:

men’s shoes 男人的鞋

children’s books 儿童书籍

(上面两句不能说成shoes of men, books of children)


( ) 1. ____ team in No. 4 Middle School used to help ____ with their training.

A. Boys’; girl’s B. Boy’s; the girl C. The boys’; the girls’

( ) 2. —How long does it take to get to the station?

—It’s ____ walk.

A. six minute’s B. six-minutes C.six minutes’

( ) 3. —My prize is different from ____.

—But ____ is the same as mine.

A. Dick; yours B.Dick’s; yours C. Dick’s; your

( ) 4. This is ____ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.

A. Ann and Jane B. Ann’s and Jane’s C.Ann and Jane’s

( ) 5. We don’t have many pens, but I can lend you ____.

A. two of mine B. two of me C. my two

