写经验 领红包
 > 房产





1、under 在……下面

如:There is a cat under the table.

2、behind 在……后面

如:There is an umbrella behind the door.

3、near 靠近……

如:There is a park near my house.

4、beside 在……旁边

如:The students are standing beside the teacher.

5、next to 紧靠……旁边

如:The teachers’ office is next to our classroom.

6、before (时间上)在……之前

如: before class(上课前)

7、after (时间上)在……之后;依照


after class(课后)

after school(放学后)

look after(照看)

run after(追赶)

read after me(跟我读)

8、between 在两者之间

如:There are some trees between Building A and Building B.

9、by 乘某种交通工具

如:by bus,by plane,by the way(顺便说一下)


①be from = come from(来自……)

如:Mr Smiths is/comes from Australia.

②from…to…(从……到……)We go to school from Monday to Friday.

11、to 到、去……

如:Let’s go to the zoo.

固定搭配:write to(给xx写信)


12、about 关于;大约

如: I want to buy a book about animals. It’s about one kilometer away.

13、for 为、给……

如:Here’s a letter for you. What’s for breakfast?

固定搭配:look for (寻找),wait for(等候)


①与……一起。如:I’ll go shopping with my mother.

②具有某种特征。如:Who’s the boy with big eyes?

③help... with... 在某方面帮助某人 如: Can you help me with my English?

④play with... 和……一起玩;拿……玩 如:play with me,play with a yo-yo

15、in front of 在……前面

如:There is a tree in front of the classroom.

in the front of 在……前部 如:There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

16、along 沿着,顺着

如:Go along this street.

17、as 作为

如:What would you like as a birthday present?

18、out of 从……出来;往……之外

如:The dog is running out of the house.

19、of ……的,属于……

如:a map of China ,a map of the world

20、off 离开,在……之外

如:keep off the grass(勿踏草坪),get off(下车)

21、up 向上

如:stand up(起立),pull up carrots(拔胡萝卜)

22、down 向下 如:sit down(坐下), jump up and down(上下跳)

