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导语:动词不定式表目的用法,in order to/ so as to

大家好,这里是,吱吱英语。零基础语法的第 37 课,【非谓语动词(3)不定式表目的】。关注【吱吱英语】每天都可以学到新东西哦~~

1、in order to+ 动词原形 表目的

2、so as to + 动词原形 表目的

3、由 in order to 引导的目的状语,置于句首,句尾均可;由so as to引导的目的状语只能置于句尾。

I’ve write it down in order to remember it.

译文:我写下来是为了记住它。动词不定式 in order to 表目的具体目的在in order to 后面的内容 remember it

He shout and waved so as to be noticed.

译文:他大喊着挥舞着是为了被注意。so as to 引起不定式表目的具体目的在 so as to 后面的内容 be noticed


I’ve write it down in order not to forget it.

译文:我写下来是为了不忘记。否定在to前面加not,in order not to 动词原形。

He said nothing so as not to be noticed.

译文:他什么都没说为了不被注意。否定在to前面加not,so as not to 动词原形


He gets up early __________(目的是)arrive at school on time.He work hard_______(目的是)have a bitter life.各位小伙伴,今天我们的课程就到这儿。咋们下节课再见。下节课的内容是【非谓语动词(4)常见的不定式和动名词】。欢迎关注 【吱吱英语】,不经意间,你就变得无与伦比的优秀。


in order to/so as to,他早起是为了准时到校。in order not to,他努力工作是为了不过苦日子。
