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导语:用英语学英语口语:credit card, debit card只是信用卡/借记卡?

用英语学英语口语:credit card, debit card只是信用卡,借记卡?

究竟什么是credit card,什么是debit card?


习惯用中文“学”英语者见英语词后的第一反应当然是回答中文:credit card就是“信用卡”,debit card就是“储蓄卡”(口语)、“借记卡”(银行专业术语)。



我们一起来训练“用英语表达credit card和debit card”而无需出现中文“信用卡”,“借记卡”。

1) URead 体验英语:

1. Can you overdraw on your credit card?

Yes, but the card issuing bank would charge you over limit fee and other additional fees if you exceed your credit limit

2. Many people wonder how to overdraft at an ATM — whether it’s how to overdraft with a debit card or how to overdraft with a credit card.

Overdrafting means you will take more money out of your bank account than it has in it, or for credit cards, it means exceeding your credit limit.

Banks charge overdraft fees for this service

英语文字虽然有点长,但我们可以三言两语就可以用英语把credit card, debit card表达出来,用英语积累起来。

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:

1. 读到Can you overdraw on your credit card时,使用英语:

OK. I know what a credit card is now. If you can overdraw on your bank card, that is a credit card.OR:

We can overdraw on our credit card.

这么简洁的英语表达credit card还需要翻译成中文来理解吗?

Overdraw on a credit card是credit card的特征英语表达。


1) URead 体验英语:

What is overdraw?

Overdrafting means you will take more money out of your bank account than it has in it, or for credit cards, it means exceeding your credit limit.

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:

Well for example, if you have $100 in your credit card, but you can withdraw(take) more than $100 from your credit card, well, that is to overdraw.


Debit card呢?

我们都知道,debit card不能透支,卡里有多少只能取多少。

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:

Well we can not overdraw on our debit card. We can withdraw as much money as we have in our debit card.

as much money as we have就是表达debit card的英语关键词。

如果见debit csrd你只会说中文“借记卡”,你哪里有机会使用英语:as much money as you have呢?最后,我们一起直接用英语记住下面这句有用英语表达吧,不要再翻译成中文了。

Banks charge overdraft fees for this service

