生活口语:blow my nose(擤鼻涕),会用吗?
当你把英语blow your nose读成中文“擤鼻涕”的时候,你可能没有意识到:你失去了让你学过的英语“复现”的机会,失去了把学过的英语用起来的机会,失去了训练自己把英语学成英语的重要能力的机会,也失去了英语口语训练的机会。
1) 当你读到下面带有blow your nose的英语的时候,给自己一次让学过的英语“复现”和“用起来”的训练机会,而不是把它翻译成中文的机会:
1. Health Check: what’s the right way to blow your nose?
2. My cold is so bad right now that I have to blow my nose often just to be able to breathe.
3. Excuse me, I have to blow my nose.
4. Bill blew his nose into his handkerchief.
2) “复现”的学过的英语:
1. Okay.I got you.When we blow our nose, we clear our clogged nose,or our stuffy nose,or our runny nose. We use the air pressure from our lungs to blow our nose.
2. When we say blow our nose,we can also say we clear our clogged nose,or our stuffy nose,or our runny nose. We use the air pressure from our lungs to blow our nose.
3. When we blow our nose,we usually blow our nose into a tissue,like tissue paper,or a handkerchief.
注意,blow it into a tissue这个习惯很重要,不是像有些人那样blow it onto the ground,or the floor.