> 财经
Hey guys, welcome to Caterpillar English Class. Today we're gonna learn some expressions about coronaviruses.
We should wear masks when we have to go outside. 我们外出时必须戴上口罩。
(face) mask 口罩
protective clothing 防护服
protective [prəˈtektɪv] (形容词)防护的
clothing [ˈkloʊðɪŋ] 服装总称
disposable gloves 一次性手套
disposable [dɪˈspoʊzəbl] (形容词)用完即丢的,一次性的
goggles [ˈɡɑːɡlz] 护目镜
medical supplies 医疗物资
supplies [sə'plaiz] (名词)物资、供应品
No touching your mask and other objects at public places. 在公共场所不能碰口罩以及别的东西。public places 公共场所
No rubbing your eyes, picking your noses, cleaning your ears. 不要揉眼睛、抠鼻子、掏耳朵。
rub one's eyes 揉眼睛
rub [rʌb] (名词/动词)擦揉
pick one's nose 抠鼻子
pick one's teeth 剔牙
clean one's ears 掏耳朵