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很多英语词汇量不错的学生可能张口就说出英语单词:real name ticket/ticketing




Understanding “Real Name” Ticketing in China

“Real-name ticketing” just means that you have to provide your ID card number or passport number and name on your ID card or your passport in order to purchase a China train ticket. When you enter the train station on the date of your departure your train ticket, which will be stamped with your passport number, will be checked against your passport.

你需要牢牢记住这些英语来理解和表达real name ticket,而不是“求轻松”地直接用中文“实名制购票”记住。

学习real name ticket是需要你“动用”学过的英语show your ID card number,passport number等等的。这样一来,你的英语就可以“学以致用”了。

也就是说,谈论real name ticket,你不光能够说出中文“实名制购票”,你至少还要能“主动”说出下面的英语:

1.Oh,Got it.Real name ticketing in China means we must show/produce our ID card number and show our name on it(your real name)

2. You must show your ID card again when you check in.
