写经验 领红包
 > 运动


导语:不定代词none no one 用法区别

( A )1.—Mum , I’m terribly hungry.What’s in the fridge ?

—Sorry, ______.

A. nothing ​B. none C. no one

( B )2.—Mum,I’m thirsty. How much juice is there in the fridge?

—________,honey. Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some later.

A. nothing ​B. none C. no one

( C )3.—Who is in the classroom?

—________.All the students are having P.E. class on the playground.

A. nothing ​B. none C. no one

( B )4.—How many students are there in the classroom?

—________.All the students are having P.E. class on the playground.

A. nothing ​B. none C. no one

( B )5.I tried on a few pairs of shoes, but ______ of them is my favorite.

A. nothing ​B. none C. no one

解析:今日五题是none,nothing和no one三个不定代词的辨析。可以参考下表:


1. 询问数量,比如用how many或how much提问。

2. 询问有没有什么东西,比如冰箱里有没有面包。

3. none的后面可以加一个范围,常用of短语。
