写经验 领红包
 > 娱乐



1, take place 发生

The meeting will take place at ten in the morning 这个会议将会在上午10点开始

2, in memory of 纪念

He founded the museum in memory of the hero 他创立这个博物馆是为了纪念这个英雄

3, dress up 打扮

He likes dressing up like a clown 他喜欢把自己打扮成一个小丑

4, play a trick on 搞恶作剧

Don't play a trick on him 不要对他高恶作剧

5, look forward to doing 期待做某事

He is looking forward to seeing you 他期待能看到你

6, as though 好像

It tastes as though noodles 它品尝起来像面条

7, turn up 出现

He turned up finally 他最后还是出现了

8, keep one's word 守信用

You must keep your word 你必须守信用

9, hold one's breath 屏息

You can hold your breath for a few seconds in the water 你能在水中屏息几秒钟

10, set off 出发

We can set off at eleven 我们能在11点出发

11, remind 。。。of 使。。。想起

It reminds me of an old song 它让我想起了一首老歌曲

12, wipe away 擦掉

You must wipe away your tears and walk on你必须擦掉你的眼泪,继续前行

13, wipe off 把 。。。擦干净

You must wipe off the table first 你必须先把桌子擦干净

14, forgive sb for doing sth 原谅某人做过某事

I can forgive you for making mistakes 我能原谅你犯的错误
