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导语:中学英语里none和no one的区别,你都记住了吗?

高中英语里经常出现none 和 no one, 大家使用时需要注意区别他们。

none与no one 的用法比较:

1. none作代词时,可以指物也可以指人,是"一个也没有"的意思。如:

The war broke out.All the people felt frighteded but none had left there. 战争爆发后,人们很惶恐但是没有一个人人离开那儿。

There's none left on the table. 桌子上什么都没有。


None of the money on the table is mine. 桌上的那些钱都不是我的。

None of us enjoy getting up early. 我们中间没有人喜欢早起。

Sorry, but none of us speaks/ speak English. 抱歉!我们没有一个人讲英语。


There are many bananas in the basket, but none of them are fresh.


There are two oranges on the plate, but neither of them is fresh.


2) no one= nobody 只指人,“没有人”,不能指物,后面不能接of构成的短语。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数。如:

No one / Nobody likes a person with bad manners. 没有人喜欢不讲礼貌的人。

No one / Nobody knows about it. 没有人知道这件事。

2.用于回答时,none用来回答How many... 或How much....引起的问句以及含"any (one) of+名词"构成的一般疑问句;

no one/ nobody用来回答 Who...问句及含anyone/anybody构成的一般疑问句;


① - How much water is there in the cup?

- None.

② - What's in your handbag?

- Nothing.

③ - Who are for the plan?

- No one/ Nobody.

④ - Did any one of the travellers get injured in the accident?

- No, none was injured.

⑤ - Do you have anything else to say for yourself?

- No, nothing else.

⑥ - Did anyone want to attend the meeting?

- No, no one/ nobody wanted to.

3. none用作副词,意思是"一点也不……",常构成none+the +比较级结构,还可与so或too等副词搭配使用。如:

He is none the better since he left home. 他离家至今,情况并无好转。

I hope you're none the worse for your accident. 我希望你在事故中没受一点儿伤。

Do you mean that the dog is none so lovely? 你的意思是说这只狗一点也不可爱。

You got home none too early, in fact. 事实上,你回家一点也不早。

4.none常常用于下面的短语中:have none of 不接受, none but 只有,none other than 正是,second to none首屈一指, none the+比较级,none too.如:

I will have none of your stupid ideas! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的想法!

None but a strong man could have lifted it. 只有身强力壮的人能举得起它。

It was none other than Professor Wu. 那人正是吴教授。

In the output of grain, China is second to none. 在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。
