写经验 领红包
 > 情感



1. by + place

The meaning is: beside / at the side of / next to

Example: The house is by a lake.

2. by + noun

to describe travel.

by + train, car, boat, plane, taxi, bus.

Example: I went to London by train.

to describe communication:

by + phone, email, post, fax

Example: I will send you the report by fax.

to describe methods of payment:

by + credit card, cheque

Example: We paid for the car by cheque.

3. by and the passive

In the passive voice, “by” indicates WHO is doing the action.

Example: The floor is being cleaned by Jane.

4. by + reflexive pronoun

This means to do something alone.

Example: I visited London by myself.

5. by + ing form of verb

This describes how to do something. How to achieve a particular result.

Example: You can turn on the television by pressing that button.

6. by + time expression

The meaning is not later than. Before or at a particular time. We use this structure for deadlines.

Example: You must leave the hotel room by 11 am.
