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导语:英语理解英语是怎样的体验?carry a balance透支

用英语理解英语是怎样的体验?carry a balance透支




我们先是读到一篇有关carry a balance的英语(出现得有点突兀,有点生词感,让人不得其解)

When paying with your credit card,only purchase what you need. Do not buy just for the sake of earning reward points. If you overspend and end up carrying a balance on your credit card, you are negating the rewards earned on your credit card.

1. 其实,读到If you overspend and end up carrying a balance on your credit card时,虽然不是很能把握carry a balance的确切词义,但是前面的overspend已经多多少少提示了carry a balance的意思是什么。

于是,“思考”来了:carry a balance即overspend,那么,overspend your credit card不就是我们说的overdraw your credit card吗?是不是呢?如果是,以后就不光光会说overerdraw my credit card,我还可以换成overspend my credit card或carry a balance来表达overdraw了。


然后我们又读到一篇有关carry a balance的讨论:

You always carry a balance.

It means there is a lack of monney in your bank account.

so carry means "lack"

A balance is the difference between the credit and debit items in your account - it can itself, of course, be positive (you've got money in your account), or negative (you are overdrawn).

I wouldn't be quite sure what 'You always carry a balance' means. I'd expect it to mean You always keep your account in the black (in positive balance), as opposed to in the red (overdrawn).

By the way, lack means a shortage. You might say there is a lack of money in your bank account, which would be a rather clumsy way of saying that your account is empty, or insufficient for some specified need.

There's also the verb, to lack, meaning to be short of something: I lack the money to buy that house - I have insufficient money to buy it.

2.在习惯性用中文学英语,用中文理解英语的模式下,我们是不会把overdraw,overspend,carry a balance,lack of money,to lack money,in the red(相对in the black),account is empty,accoubt is sufficient等等都是我们最熟悉的overdraw一词“贯通”的,并互为解释互为理解的,只会用中文分别、独立地理解记忆这几个同义词/同义表达,同义词之间“老死不相往来”。而现在这个“贯通”就是一种快乐体验。我们至少可以主动说出这样的英语:

Okay.Got you.When we say I overdraw my credit csrd, I have may other ways to say it.

For example,I will say:

1.I overspend my credit card.

2.I carry a balance in my credit card.

3.There is a lack of money in my credit card.

4.My credit card is in the red.

5.I don't get any money in my credit card.

接着,我们还读到一段有关carry a balance的英语:

Carrying a balance is a term usually used in reference to credit cards. You can pay it in full or carry the balance to the next month. This account is reported on your credit report each month, whether you pay it in full or not.

3. 这下,我们“坐实”了carry a balance的含义:Yes,if you overdraw/overspend/put your accoubt in tge red,etc.,you will carry a balance.OR,

When you carry a balance in your credit card,you have overdrawn/overspent your ceredit card.



1. I overdraw my credit card


2. to overspend my credit card 超支消费信用卡

I overspend my credit card.


3.I carry a balance in my credit card.


4.There is a lack of money in my credit card.


5.My credit card is in the red.


6.I don't get any money in my credit card.


