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导语:你不了解的as well.

原创 33

Well作为英文入门级单词,大家应该都十分熟悉。那么关于as well你知道多少呢?

as well (as)


as well副词,意思是“和”,相当于also, too或者in addition,用于句末。

e.g. They look forward to seeing you again and to meeting your children as well.


as well as 介词,相当于in addition to

e.g. We have invited Jim as well as Peter.

might as well & may as well

正式表达,意思“不妨,倒不如”,指的是某事值得做的原因是其他事未发生,其中might as well 更加常见。

e.g. You might as well paint the wall yourself; no one else is going to do it.

We may as well hang out tomorrow because there’s not much on TV.

(just)as well


e.g. It’s as well to bring a nice camera with you when paying a visit to the national park. (as well=it’s a good idea)

It’s just as well we didn’t go to the lecture, because it was cancelled.
