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中山英语导游词 篇1

  Dear members, the scenic spot we are going to visit today is ZhongshanMausoleum. Zhongshan Mausoleum is located at the southern foot of Xiaomaomountain, the second peak of Nanjing. It is the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,the great pioneer of China&39;s get to know Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was named Sun Wen andnamed Yixian. Because he used the pseudonym of "Zhongshan Qiao" when he wasengaged in revolutionary activities in Japan, he was honored as Dr. Sun Yat senin China, while foreign friends often called him Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

  Born in 1866, he studied in Honolulu, Hong Kong and other places when hewas young. After graduation, he practised medicine in Guangzhou, Macao and otherplaces, and later abandoned medicine and went into politics. In 1905, heorganized and established the Chinese Alliance in Japan, and put forward theprogram of "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic ofChina, and averaging land rights", as well as the three people&39;s livelihood, and civil rights"; After the 1911 Revolution,he was elected as the provisional president of the Republic of China; after YuanShikai was sworn in on New Year&39;anceremony" was held at noon. Dr. Sun Yat Sen&39;s Yuandao. It is said that Dr. Sun Yat Sen&39; tombs, symbolizing the essence of Dr.Sun Yat Sen God is as green as pine and cypress.

  Mausoleum gate and stele Pavilion:

  Walking through the tomb path, we now come to the concrete platform infront of the mausoleum gate. This is the second largest square of ZhongshanMausoleum, about 70 meters wide. Many evergreen trees, such as pine and cypress,are planted on both sides. In the north of the square, you can see the mausoleumgate. The mausoleum gate is a single eaves building with three arches in theSouth and the north. The top of the mausoleum is covered with blue glazed tiles.It is all made of Fujian granite, with corner beams and eaves The rafters aremade of red copper, and the three door openings in the south are equipped with apair of hollow out Plaid Antique Iron doors. On the stone forehead in the southof the middle door is the four words "the world is for the public" written byDr. Sun Yat Sen himself, which is taken from the book of rites · Liyun: "thejourney of the great road, the world is for the public". This is a kind of greatharmony social ideal expounded by Confucianism, an idea opposite to the familyand the world, and "civil rights" in the three people&39;an Dadian"___ Two holesin the belly of the tripod on both sides were left when the Japanese armyshelled Zijin Mountain in December 1937. They always remind us not to forget ournational humiliation.

  Sacrificial hall and tomb chamber:

  Climbing up the steps, we came to the platform in front of the sacrificialhall. There are stone railings in front of the platform, and there are amagnificent watch on both sides, up to 12.6 meters high. The sacrificial hall isin the middle of the platform. The palace style building, which integratesChinese and Western architectural styles, is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and29 meters high, with all external walls

  It is made of Hong Kong granite and surrounded by Fortress Buildings. Theroof of the memorial hall has double eaves and nine ridges, covered with blueglazed tiles. Under the eaves, there are stone brackets and copper rafters.Between the two eaves, there is a straight forehead of "heaven and earth healthyqi" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen The six big characters of "nationality","people&39;s Republic written by Sun Yat Sen is engraved. The top of the memorialhall is in the form of a bucket, and the algae well in the middle is inlaid withmosaic___ The design of the party emblem shows the meaning of the party. In themiddle of the memorial hall is a full-length sitting statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen,dressed in a long robe and mandarin jacket. His feet are close to each other,and the unfolded scroll is spread on his knees. His eyes are staring forwardwith a concentrated expression. The sitting statue is carved from Italian whitemarble by the French Polish sculptor Paul randowski in Paris, France. Around thebase of the sitting statue are six pictures reflecting Sun Yat Sen&39;s sealscript "the tomb of Dr. Sun Yat Sen" is engraved. Only when the door is closedcan the characters on the door be seen. The tomb chamber is a hemisphericalclosed building, about 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters in height, with adome shaped roof and mosaic inlaid on it___ The central part of the tomb is amarble round Kuang with a diameter of 4.3 meters and a depth of 1.6 meters. Theopening of the Kuang is protected by marble railings, and a marble sarcophagusis built in the Kuang. On the surface of the sarcophagus lies a white marblestatue of Sun Yat Sen, carved by Czech sculptor Gao Qi. Sun Yat Sen is dressedin Zhongshan costume, hands on his chest, sleeping peacefully.

  The ratio of the statue to the real person is 1:1. Mr. Sun &39;s body was placed in the tomb after the ceremony, andhas never been opened or moved.

  Attached Memorial Building:

  Dear tourists, this is the end of the explanation of the main building ofZhongshan Mausoleum. There are many ancillary buildings in Zhongshan Mausoleum,such as the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, and the memorial hall of the overseasChinese in San Francisco___ The music platform donated by the party headquartersof Liaoning Province; the marble octagonal pavilion and Guanghua Paviliondonated by overseas Chinese; the Xingjian Pavilion donated by Guangzhougovernment, whose name comes from "the heaven is healthy, the gentleman isconstantly striving for self-improvement"; Zhongshan Botanical Garden is thebotanical garden of the former premier&39;s walk. Standing at thefoot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, visitors can not only enjoy the uniquearchitectural style, but also appreciate the love of Zhongshan people. Lookingto the west, it is a park with beautiful scenery. Of course, from the stepsbehind the statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, tourists can also visit pine garden,bamboo garden, plum garden and other scenic spots.

  Between the revolutionary memorial area and the comprehensive tourist areaof Sunwen Park, there is a broad lawn with green grass. On one side, pavilionsand waterside pavilions stand among the green trees and red flowers, while onthe other side, stone carvings and coconut trees show tropical style. Walk alongthe pedestrian passage in the middle of the lawn, and you will arrive at thecomprehensive tourist area in a short time.

  When we arrived at the comprehensive tourist area, the first words thatcame into our eyes were "coming from behind" written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Alongthe steps on both sides, you enter Xiangshan garden. At this time, you will findthat it&39;s because Sun Wen Memorial Park is so beautiful. Maybe it&39;ssurname. Later, the mother comforts her son&39;s filial piety, she suggests that the owneropen the garden to the outside world.

  Zhan garden is built on both sides of a river, which not only inherits thetradition of Chinese classical private gardens, but also highlights the uniquelayout of Lingnan water town. At the same time, it also absorbs the style ofWestern gardens. The water body and decoration are mostly geometric. The layoutof the garden is natural and unrestrained, with distinct layers. The buildingpays attention to site selection. The shape is concise, the color is clear andsimple, which constitutes a transparent, elegant, light and smooth Lingnanstyle. Whether it&39;sgenerous and sincere.

  In addition to the magnificent and elegant architecture, magnificentflowers and trees, exquisite and elegant tea art, Zhan garden also has a varietyof dazzling artistic performances.

  Drama: according to the classic story of twenty filial piety, differentversions of filial piety stories are arranged, such as ancient costume, modern,funny and so on. Through teaching and entertainment, you can understand thephilosophy of life.

  Face changing is a unique Chinese art. The red, yellow, blue, white andblack faces of the king of face changing are clear in front of us when we can&39;s face was red and beaming withjoy. She distributed birthday candy to tourists and enjoyed Zhan Yuan Opera withthem.

  Qijiang Langqiao District: one river connects the two banks, and theLangqiao has many dreams. River shepherd Buffalo, Huanyi gauze female, Ospreybamboo, Taigong fishing. Zhan garden is surrounded by water inside and outside.There are many bridges and boats. The corridor Pavilion beside the bridge isinterspersed with Zhongshan folk custom, singing with Weishui woodcutter underthe bridge, which is very lively. Every day there are lightboat cruise andhuaweidu cruise in Qijiang River, so tourists can enjoy the scenery of QijiangRiver and Zhan garden by boat. They can also paddle in the inland river to blendinto the beautiful scenery of Zhan garden.

中山英语导游词 篇4

  Hello everyone! The beautiful place in front of us is Zhongshan Mausoleum.Today, we will browse its magnificence and past deeds together.

  People often say: less than the Imperial Palace, the Great Wall is not tohave been to Beijing; less than the Bund boat tour Pujiang, the east pearl orJinmao Tower is not to Shanghai; not long to West Lake, Songcheng do not knowthe millennium of Hangzhou; then less than Dr. Sun Yat-sen&39;s democratic revolution. Mr.Sun&39;s principles. 19___ After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising on October10, 20__, Mr. Sun was elected as the provisional president of the Republic ofChina by the representatives of the 17 provinces, and was sworn in in in Nanjingon the new year&39;s principles into the new three people&39;s decision. On his deathbed,Mr. Sun said, "after I die, I can be buried at the foot of Zijin Mountain inNanjing. Because Nanjing is the place where the provisional government wasestablished, I will not forget the revolution of 1911." Therefore, although Mr.Sun&39;s death, afoundation laying ceremony was held. It took more than three years and cost 1.5million silver yuan. Zhongshan Mausoleum was finally completed in the spring of1929. It is a pity that architect LV Yanzhi devoted himself to the constructionof the mausoleum. Unfortunately, like Mr. Sun, he suffered from liver cancer anddied at the end of the project. He was only 35 years old. The Fengan ceremonywas held on June 1, 1929, and Mr. Sun&39;s spiritual pivot, Nanjing built thefirst asphalt road, Zhongshan Road, which is 24 Li long, from Zhongshan Wharf inthe west to Zhongshan Gate in the East. Up to now, Zhongshan road is still oneof the main roads in Nanjing. At the same time, the Chaoyang Gate of MingDynasty was renovated and renamed Zhongshan Gate. A cemetery road was builtbetween Zhongshan Gate and Zhongshan Mausoleum.

  You are now in the half moon square in front of Zhongshan Mausoleum. Pleaselook south. Just south of the square is an octagonal stone platform. The twoeared and three legged red copper tripod on the stage, weighing 5000 kg, is 4.25meters high and 1.23 meters in diameter. It is one of the commemorativedecorations of Zhongshan Mausoleum. The tripod was cast in the autumn of 1933and donated by all the teachers and students of Guangzhou Sun Yat sen Universityand Dai Jitao. "Wisdom, benevolence and courage" are the motto of Sun Yat senUniversity. There is a hexagonal bronze plate in the tripod, engraved with thefull text of filial piety written by Dai Mu. Stepping up from the square, facingis a stone archway with four pillars and three gates. The archway was built in1931-1933, 12 meters high and 17.3 meters wide. The building blocks are made oflarge pieces of Fujian granite, but they are made of traditional Chinese woodstructure. You can see the golden "fraternity" in the middle of the square.These two are Mr. Sun&39;s "benevolenceof fraternity" in Yuan Dao. It is said that Mr. Sun loved to give away the twotopics. Mr. Sun devoted his whole life to the bourgeois democratic revolutionwith the great spirit of fraternity, and constantly struggled for theindependence and freedom of the nation. It can be said that "fraternity" is ahigh summary and the best portrayal of his life.

  Walking forward from Bo Ai Fang is a 480 meter long and tens of meters widetomb passage. The overall design of Zhongshan Mausoleum highlights thetraditional Chinese style, solemn and unique. In order to reflect sun&39;s revolutionary spiritand noble quality. Cedrus deodara is one of the four major ornamental treespecies in the world, and has become the city tree of Nanjing.

  At the end of the passage is the platform. According to the design of LVYanzhi, the whole mausoleum is in the shape of "Mu Duo". Duo is what we usuallycall big bell block. In ancient times, it was used to announce religious andpolitical decrees and war orders. Duo&39;s famous saying that "therevolution has not yet been successful, comrades still need to work hard", andits intention is also warning future generations. The platform square here isthe lower edge of the "freedom clock" designed by LV Yanzhi. This magnificentthree arch gate is the official beginning of the mausoleum. It is 16 metershigh, 27 meters wide and 8.8 meters deep. It is also made of Fujian granite. Onthe banner of Zhongmen is Sun Yat Sen&39;s "the journey of the road isalso the world is for the public", which means that the state power is not theworld of any family, but the world of the people and the people. This is theideal that Mr. Sun has strived for all his life and an excellent annotation ofthe three people&39;sideological achievements can not be summarized, so we simply do not writeinscriptions and use the present form instead. Out of the pavilion, facing thestone steps layer upon layer. Nanjing people often say that the steps ofZhongshan Mausoleum are like stone lions of Lugou bridge. So visitors here oftenask: how many steps does Zhongshan Mausoleum have? Dear friends, you may as wellcount them.

  Coming to the platform near the top, you can see a pair of big bronzetripods, engraved with "Fengan ceremony", donated by the Shanghai municipalgovernment at that time. If you look carefully, you will find that there are twoholes under the tripod on the left. Why is this so? It turns out that this wascaused by the artillery bombardment of Zhongshan Mausoleum when the doomsdayarmy occupied Nanjing in 1937. These two holes are the bomb holes left at thattime. Although times have changed, these two bullet holes still remind us not toforget our national humiliation. Not far from here, there is a pair of antiquebronze tripods, which are presented by Sun Ke&39;s son.

  You can have a bird&39;s more, when you look from the bottom to the top,the stone steps are continuous and you can&39;t see the steps but the platform. The number of 392 is not acoincidence, but a metaphor of 392 million compatriots in China at that time.All the way up the mountain, I can&39;s direct supervisor, Jian, died of aterminal disease, which often made later generations sigh that he would diebefore he was successful. The sacrificial hall is a palace style building withimitation wood structure. It is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and 29 metershigh. It is surrounded by small fortress like buildings and two 12.6 meters highChinese watch arches. The roof of the memorial hall is double eaves with nineridges, covered with blue glazed tiles, and the external walls are all made ofHong Kong granite. There are "nation", "people&39;s revolutionary activities. In the middle of the"people&39;s handwriting "heavenand earth healthy" four straight amount.

  Please follow me into the memorial hall. The interior of the memorial hallis paved with white and black marble from Yunnan. There are 12 black stonecolumns with a diameter of 0.8 meters in the hall, and black marble is embeddedunder the walls. You can see the full text of the outline of the founding of thepeople&39;s spirit. In the middle of the memorial hall is a stonestatue of Sun Yat Sen sitting in a long robe and mandarin jacket. The image is4.6 meters high and the base is 2.1 meters wide. The statue was carved withItalian white stone by Paul arlinsky, a famous Polish sculptor of Frenchnationality at that time, and was transported from Paris to Zhongshan Mausoleumin 1930. The total cost is 1.5 million francs. The six reliefs on the four sidesbelow the statue capture six fragments of Mr. Sun&39;s copper coffin is about 5 meters under thestatue. Why do the statues in the sacrificial hall wear long gowns and Chinesetunics instead of Chinese tunics? It turns out that there was a sharpcontradiction between the left and the right in those years. The right whothought that the statue should wear long gowns and Chinese tunics, while theleft advocated wearing Chinese tunics. The above situation arises when the twoparties disagree and each party goes its own way. Dear friends, whether Mr.Sun&39;s body suppressed his FengShui. So he planned to burn the body. After the patriotic general Zhang Xueliangsent troops to protect, the body was preserved, but it has been eroded by theair. On May 28, 1929, the coffin was transported from Beijing to Pukou by Jinpurailway and arrived at Zhongshan Mausoleum on June 1. After the Fengan ceremony,the coffin was poured into the Kuang with cement. The tomb is made of graniteand surrounded by partition walls. There is a special nanmu mat under the coppercoffin and a sealed crystal transparent plate on the coffin. At the time of thepublic memorial ceremony, standing by Shi Kuang, you can see Dr. Sun Yat Sen&39;s remains.

  In addition to the main building of the mausoleum, there are also somememorial building facilities around the mausoleum. Including the Sutra building,music stage, Guanghua Pavilion, Xingjian Pavilion, Yangzhi Pavilion, LiuhuiPavilion and so on. Most of them were built with donations from people from allwalks of life and overseas Chinese friends after the Fengan ceremony in 1929. Inaddition, the Bo&39;s greatspirit. Today, the reunification of the two sides of the Chinese Taiwan Strait hasbecome the general trend and the aspiration of the people. Facing the currentsituation of the two sides of the Chinese Taiwan Strait, Chinese people at home andabroad sincerely look forward to the day of the reunification and prosperity ofthe motherland. At that time and that moment, if Dr. Sun Yat Sen had anyknowledge, he would have gone to sleep with a smile.
