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嘉峪关关城英语导游词 篇1

  Hello, everyone. I&39;s majestic andmagnificent. Here, historical dramas of national wars have been staged, andmoving stories of people of all nationalities living in harmony and workingtogether have been spread. The majestic and majestic pass shines in China. Theancient Jiayuguan pass is just like an old man in history. Over the past 600years, the joys and sorrows of separation and the great changes of vicissitudesare reflected on its ancient green bricks and carved in its heavy earthwalls.

  Jiayuguan was first built in the fifth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1372A.D.) and got its name because it was built on the Jiayu mountain at the Westfoot of Jiayuguan. It was built nine years earlier than Shanhaiguan, the firstpass in the world. The terrain here is very dangerous. In the south is the snowcapped Qilian Mountain, and in the north is the rolling Heishan mountain.Between the two mountains, there is only 30 Li. It is the narrowest place in thewest of Hexi Corridor, known as "the first pass in Hexi". The big grass beach inGuanxi, with yellow grass and flat sand, is an ancient battlefield. In Guandong,Jiuquan, an important town of the Silk Road, is close to the south slope ofGuandong. There is the famous Valley spring water. The "nine eye spring" isclear in winter and summer. It can be used for drinking and irrigating goodfarmland all year round. These superior natural conditions and strategicgeographical location are the main reasons for the establishment of the passhere. As early as the Han Dynasty, a jade barrier was set up at Shiguan gorge,seven Li north of Guancheng. It was built on the mountain to defend againstdanger. According to historical records, before the Ming Dynasty, there hadalways been "no city".

  After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, in order to strengthen themilitary defense of Hexi, Feng Sheng, the general of the conquering army, tookover Hexi and built a pass here to control the traffic route to the West.According to historical records, Jiayuguan "at the beginning there was water andthen there was a pass. It was about building buildings later, building buildingslater, and building the Great Wall later. The Great Wall was built and then thepass could be guarded.". It took more than 160 years for Jiayuguan to become asolid defense project. In the fifth year of Hongwu (1372 A.D.) of Ming Dynasty,the earthen city was first built with a circumference of 220 Zhang and a heightof about 2 Zhang, which is now the rammed part of the inner city. At that time,it was only about no buildings.

  In the eighth year of Hongye reign of Ming Dynasty (A.D. 148), LiDuancheng, a soldier of Suzhou, presided over the construction of Jiayuguantower at the main gate of Jiayuguan in xiluocheng. That is to say, Jiayuguantower was built more than 100 years after the completion of the city. Accordingto historical records, "Li Duancheng built the tower with a magnificent view".Another 11 years later, that is, the first year of Zhengde reign of Ming Dynasty(A.D From August 1506 to February of the next year, Li Duancheng built Guanghuabuilding and Rouyuan building in the inner city according to the style andspecifications of Guan built in the previous year. At the same time, he alsobuilt auxiliary buildings such as official hall and warehouse. In 1539, ZhaiLuan, the Minister of state, inspected the defense of Hexi. He thought that itwas necessary to strengthen the defense of Hexi, so he built a lot of buildingsto strengthen Guancheng, built enemy towers and turrets on Guancheng, and builttwo wings of the great wall and beacon towers on Guannan and Guanbei.

  At this point, a large-scale and magnificent ancient gate stands on theGobi rock. Like a group of mighty soldiers, it stands between the two mountains,stretching out its arms, firmly guarding the throat of the silk road. In 1873,Zuo Zongtang, the then governor of Zhili, Shaanxi Province, was recovering Yilifrom passing through Jiayuguan at a speed of one hour. Facing the magnificentand powerful city of Guancheng, he wrote a huge plaque of "the most powerfulpass in the world" and hung it on the floor of Jiayuguan, adding a bit ofmajesty and grandeur to the pass. Lin Zexu, a patriotic general demoted to Yilifor banning smoking in the late Qing Dynasty, wrote a famous poem "Ode toJiayuguan" when he passed by Jiayuguan on October 11, 1842

  Close the gate strictly, and March ten thousand miles to horseshoe.

  Feige made even Qin tree straight, Zongyuan oblique pressure Longyunlow.

  Tianshan Mountain is steep and stands on one&39;s great call of "love China and build the Great Wall", and advocatedpeople from all walks of life to donate money to raise funds to restoreGuancheng. At that time, according to the instructions of Yang lie and othercomrades of the State Administration of cultural relics, Jiayuguan "repaired theold as the old and restored the original appearance". After many efforts,Jiayuguan tower finally stood on the magnificent city of Guancheng. Standing onthe tower of Jiayuguan, looking out of the pass, there were many feelings aboutthe vicissitudes of the ancient Silk Road due to the erosion of time. Lookingback, there was such a couplet recording the vicissitudes of Guan Lou&39;s slender city construction to restore its original appearancein the era of Shengping and see the spring of China again.

  What&39;s tour, the entrance of emperor Taizu of the YuanDynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi&39;s another story totell: there is a huge stone beside the east gate of Guancheng. It&39;t worry, you will become a hero soon. Well, here is thefamous Badaling Great Wall. In the distance, there is a magnificent scenery.Looking down, it is Wengcheng, an important part of the Great Wall. It isusually built on the roads with dangerous terrain. The distance between the twogates of Wengcheng is 63.9 meters. The plaque on the west gate is the key to thenorth gate. I have already said that. The plaque of the east gate is: JuyongTown, which means another important town outside Juyong Pass. Now let&39;er&39;s cattle and sheep.

  It wasn&39;s majestic pass"and "even the border lock Yin".

  Jiayuguan is composed of inner city, outer city and moat. It is closelyfortified and connected with the Great Wall, forming a military defense systemof five li, one flint, ten li, one pier, thirty Li, one fort and one city.

  At present, Guancheng is dominated by the inner city, with a perimeter of640 meters, an area of 25000 square meters, and a height of 10.7 meters. It isrammed with loess, and its west side is covered with brick walls, which ismajestic and solid.

  There are two gates in the inner city, the east gate is "Guanghua gate",which means Ziqi rises to the East and Guanghua shines; the west gate is"Rouyuan gate", which means to keep the western border stable.

  There is a three story hilltop building on the platform. The East and Westgates are surrounded by an urn, and the west gate is surrounded by a Luocheng,which is connected with the north and south walls of the outer city. There is a"Jiayuguan" gate leading to the outside of the gate, and a Jiayuguan building isbuilt on it.

  There are also 14 archery towers, enemy towers, turrets, attics and gatetowers on the inner wall of Jiayuguan. There are guerrilla general&39;t climb and turn directly, and the 1091 meter longtunnel has also made people at home and abroad admire.

  Now the bronze statue set up in Qinglongqiao railway station is ZhanTianyou&39;an temple was built in the original place, butit was destroyed in the Kangxi period, leaving only the plinth and pillar thatwe see now. The cloud platform covers an area of 310 square meters. On theticket door under the platform are relief sculptures of lions, elephants, fourelephants and golden winged birds, representing the mounts of five Buddhas andfive Buddhas of Tantric Buddhism, as well as the relief sculptures of the eightDharma protectors of Tianlong. On the inner wall, there are relief carvings offour heavenly kings and the design of divine beasts. On the top of the ticket,there are Mandala designs. Among the flowers, there are 2215 Buddha statues.

  There are also six kinds of inscriptions of the Dharma Sutra and the storyof the merits and virtues of building pagodas, which are fine works of art ofthe Yuan Dynasty and have high artistic value.

  Badaling Great Wall is an outstanding representative of the great wall ofMing Dynasty. Because it extends in all directions, it becomes Badaling. You mayask why the Great Wall was built here? In fact, this is mainly because of theimportant geographical location of Badaling area. It not only guards the Mingmausoleum, but also the northwest gate of the capital.

  Badaling Great Wall is the witness of many important events in history,such as empress dowager Xiao&39;s flight to the west, etc.

  Here&39;s said that in 1900, the Eight Power Allied forces invadedBeijing. Cixi passed here on her way to escape to the West. She once stood onthis stone and looked back at the capital, so this stone is also called Wangjingstone. But now the stone is less prominent.

  There is a saying that we all know: not to the Great Wall is not a hero.Just introduced so many landscapes, you must be eager to come to the scenic spotfor sightseeing, don&39;s look down to the right. On the south side ofdengchengkou, there is a cannon named Shenwei general. It was made in Chongzhenperiod.

  Badaling Great Wall is composed of three platforms and two walls. What isthree platforms and two walls? Now let me explain to you that the threeplatforms are city platform and enemy platform. The structure of city platformis very simple, just a place for garrison officers and soldiers to stay awayfrom the wind and cold.

  The structure of the enemy platform is relatively complicated. It isdivided into two layers. The lower layer is composed of fields, wells, loops andother shapes. The upper layer has crenels and observation holes for observingmilitary information and archery. Therefore, it also has the function ofdefending the enemy.

  Next came the beacon tower, also known as beacon, wolf Yantai. It is anindependent building not connected with the Great Wall. Once the enemy invades,it will light a beacon to inform the military. The ancients said that the smokelit in the daytime is called beacon, and the smoke lit in the evening is calledflint.

  In the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the beacon fire and the enemywas strictly regulated: more than 100 enemies, one smoke and one gun; five whitepeople, two smoke and two guns; more than 1000 people, three smoke and threeguns; more than 5000 people, four smoke and four guns; more than 10000 people,five smoke and five guns. In this way, the military information at the bordercan be quickly transmitted to the imperial city.

  Having said that, let&39;,北纬39°47'。 全市海拔在1412-2722米之间,绿洲分布于海拔1450-1700米之间,城市中心海拔1462米。 境内地势平坦,土地类型多样。城市的中西部多为戈壁,是市区和工业企业所在地;东南、东北为绿洲,是农业区, 绿洲随地貌被戈壁分割为点、块、条、带状,占总土地面积的1.9%。

  嘉峪关市,是以明代万里长城西端起点——嘉峪关命名的城市,南有绵亘千里的祁连山雪峰,北有龙首山和马鬃山,由于其地理位置的特殊性,因此,秦汉以来的历代王朝都在这里派兵驻防。 “天下第一雄关”嘉峪关关城,楼阁高耸,巍峨壮观,与远隔万里的“天下第一关”山海关遥相呼应,名动天下。 嘉峪关是古丝绸之路上的重要一站,留下了许多古迹和珍贵的文物:古拙粗犷的黑山石刻画像、反映魏晋时劳动人民的生产活动的新城魏晋壁画砖画墓、以及我国第一座全面、系统展示长城文化的专题性博物馆——长城博物馆等。





  嘉峪关地处古“丝绸之路”的交通要冲,又是明代万里长城的西端起点。在这里丝 路文化和长城文化融为一体、交相辉映,素有“河西重镇”、“边陲锁钥”之称,旅游资源非常丰富。

  这里有雄伟壮观的汉代和明代万里长城、嘉峪关关城、长城第一墩、悬壁长城心脏,以及展现古代游牧民族社会生活的黑山岩画 ,国家重点文物保护单位魏晋墓地下画廊等人文古迹; 有亚洲距城市最近的七一冰川及祁连积雪、瀚海蜃楼等独具特色的西部风光,有博大精深的中国第一座“长城博物馆”和被誉为世界三大滑翔基地之一的嘉峪关国际滑翔基地及国家AAAA级关城文化旅游景区;有西北民俗风情旅游和讨赖河大峡谷探险、沙漠探险、花海魔鬼城探险等具有西部情调的探险旅游胜地;有乾圆山庄、新城草湖等休闲度假的好去处;此外还有石关峡、黑山湖等多处正在开发的旅游资源,形成了以嘉峪关关城为龙头的四大资源(空中气流资源、山地冰川资源、陆地资源和地下资源)、八大景点(嘉峪关关城、嘉峪关国际滑翔基地、 长城第一墩、悬壁长城、黑山浅石刻岩画、长城博物馆、魏晋墓地下画廊、七一冰川),为旅游业的发展奠定了资源基础。



嘉峪关关城英语导游词 篇9


  欢迎各位嘉宾莅临明长城西端起点,因“天下第一雄关”而命名,被誉为“湖光山色、戈壁明珠”的嘉峪关市检查指导工作。我是 , 是嘉峪关市旅游局工作人员,非常荣幸能够担当此次工作。



  嘉峪关市公路、 铁路、航空运输四通八达,呈立体交通格局,是河西走廊的重要交通枢纽。国道312线高速公路纵贯全境。


  嘉峪关市现代化气息比较浓厚,城市功能完备,市区环境优雅,街道宽敞整洁。商业、旅游、金融等设施功能配套, 通讯、电力、供排水、供热、煤气等设施一应俱全,水资源丰富,电力、煤气供应充裕,衡量城市综合实力的主要指标均处于全省领先地位。目前,城市绿化面积1737公顷,绿化覆盖率36.7%,人均公共绿地面积30.2平方米,人均水域面积16平方米,人居环境明显改善。




  嘉峪关市经济质量较高,人民生活水平在全省处于领先地位。“”以来,嘉峪关经济社会发展明显提速。截止去年度,实现地区生产总值184亿元,是“十五”末的2.2倍;人均生产总值达到1.25万美元,主要人均经济指标位居甘肃省前列。农民人均纯收入达到7865元,比“十五”末净增3115元,连续七年位居甘肃省首位。先后获得“中国优秀旅游城市”、 “国家卫生城市”、“国家环境保护模范城市”、“全国园林绿化先进城市”、“全国双拥模范城四连冠”等殊荣。20xx年,吴邦国委员长视察我市时,欣然题词“湖光山色、戈壁明珠”。


