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  botanical garden



  Botanical Garden... Ok.

  植物园--知道了。Here we are at the Botanical Garden.

  这里是植物园。The Royal Botanic Gardens

  皇家植物园((指邱植物园(the Kew Gardens))The botanical garden in early spring is rich in poetic and artistic conception.

  初春的植物园充满诗情画意。Bogor Botanic Gardens

  茂物植物园hothouse in Botanic gardens

  植物园中的温室。There is a botanical garden in Paris.

  巴黎有个植物园。Botanical garden.yang - ping south road.ok.

  植物园……扬平路……知道了。What's the fare for the Botanical Garden?

  到植物园多少钱?The botanical garden has turned into a wilderness.


  n. 植物园

  Dominion Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Central Experimental Farm

  渥太华中央试验农场自治领树木园和植物园 In fact, some people were assigned to walk in the arboretum during a Michigan winter.

  事实上,有些参与者被要求在冬季去密歇根州的植物园散步。It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and Europe.

  当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。 botanical是什么意思:

  n. 植物性药材

  adj. 植物学的'

  The area is of great botanical interest.

  该地区很有植物学研究价值。Herbalists dominated the sixteenth century botanical world

  本草学家在十六世纪曾统治了整个植物界。Dominion Arboretum and Botanic Garden, Central Experimental Farm

  渥太华中央试验农场自治领树木园和植物园 garden是什么意思:

  n. 菜园,果园,花园,公园

  v. 种植花卉,从事园艺

  adj. 花园的,园艺的

  All garden waste should be composted and returned to the garden.

  应该把花园里所有枯萎的花草制成堆肥,然后再用它们给花园施肥。The gardener is snipping off the dead leaves in the garden.

  花匠在花园时剪枯叶。The lane to the garden was overlaid with stones.

