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往罗浮山下梅花村,玉雪为骨冰为魂。Go to Meihua village at the foot of Luofu Mountain. Jade Snow is bone and ice is soul.今天小编整理了唯美神仙句子的英文翻译供大家参考,一起来看看吧!


1. 做一个浪漫的人,不负诗酒茶花之约。

Be a romantic person and live up to the promise of poetry, wine and Camellia.

2. 希望你真实,明亮而热烈。

I hope you are real, bright and warm.

3. 一朵小花,想不开就谢了。

A little flower, I can't think of it, so I'll thank you.

4. 阳光下灿烂,黑暗下耀眼;心若向阳,无畏悲伤。

Bright in the sun and dazzling in the dark; If the heart is sunny, it is fearless to be sad.

5. 成长无非大醉一场,勇敢的人先干为敬。

Growth is nothing more than getting drunk. Brave people do it first.

6. 我不期待花开了,我早就不喜欢花了。

I don't expect flowers to bloom. I don't like flowers for a long time.

7. 手执烟火以谋生,心怀诗意以谋爱。

Holding fireworks to make a living, poetic to seek love.

8. 各自承流而上,互为欢喜人间。

Each carries the current and goes up, and rejoices with each other.

9. 我们走进夜海,去打捞遗失的繁星。

We went into the night sea to salvage the lost stars.

10. 岁月如歌,日月悠长,日子平常,光阴在细微的小事里悠悠然而过。

Years and months are like songs, the sun and moon are long, and the days are ordinary. Time passes leisurely in small things.

11. 只有不畏艰难,眼前的路才会越走越宽。

Only when we are not afraid of difficulties, the road ahead will be wider and wider.

12. 尊重所有的声音,但只成为自己。

Respect all voices, but only be yourself.

13. 没有收到猫头鹰请柬的我,依旧会在麻瓜的世界里披荆斩棘。

If I don't receive the owl invitation, I will still cut through the thorns and thorns in the Muggle world.

14. 今天很好,我喜欢今天。

Today is very good. I like today.

15. 那路是崎岖的,灯却永远亮着。

The road is rugged, but the light is always on.

16. 你所在之处,孤单都被征服。

Where you are, loneliness is conquered.

17. 林下漏月光,疏疏如残雪。

The moonlight under the forest is as sparse as residual snow.

18. 即使生活低到尘埃里,梦想也要举得高高的。

Even if life is low in the dust, dreams should be held high.

19. 顺风不浪,逆风不怂。

No waves with the wind, no advice against the wind.

20. 我掀起山河奔向你,踏进星辰来访你,我有整个宇宙想讲给你听。

I set off mountains and rivers to you, step into the stars to visit you, and I have the whole universe to tell you.

21. 静悄悄地做人,像早晨一样清白。

Be quiet and innocent as in the morning.

22. 有预感,都知道,都明白。

Have a hunch, all know, all understand.

23. 他未对我半分好,偏巧这感情疯长似野草。

He didn't treat me half well, but it happened that his feelings were growing like weeds.

24. 路在前方,更在脚下。

The road is ahead, but also at your feet.

25. 阳光明媚,蓝天碧水,树木叶间五彩斑斓,色彩艳丽,如诗如画。

The sun is bright, the sky is blue and the water is clear. The leaves of the trees are colorful, colorful and picturesque.

26. 解释那么多,不如自己摔一跤学会的更多。

Explain so much, it's better to learn more by falling down.

27. 你在我的怀中,宇宙才完整。

You are in my arms, the universe is complete.

28. 人生的道路虽然漫长,但要紧处常常只有几步。

Although the road of life is long, the important point is often only a few steps.

29. 你周身的璀璨,胜于宇宙诞生的星光。

The brilliance of your body is better than the starlight of the birth of the universe.

30. 独来独往的日子里,一定要善待自己。

When you are alone, you must be kind to yourself.

31. 不要因为没有掌声,而丢掉自己的梦想。

Don't lose your dream because there is no applause.

32. 你来了,我之前收藏的爱意都有了靠山。

You're here. All the love I collected before has a backer.

33. 来路无可眷恋,值得期待的只有远方。

There is no attachment to the future. What is worth looking forward to is only the distance.

34. 一生温暖纯良,不舍爱与自由。

Life is warm and pure, not giving up love and freedom.

35. 愿所有的负重前行,都可以满载而归。

May all the people who move forward with a heavy load come back with a full load.

36. 日月照华年,山水阅尘寰。

The sun and moon shine on the Chinese year, and the landscape reads the world.

37. 前路很长,梦想不止。

There is a long way to go and more than dreams.

38. 人生过往,会心处不妨停一停。

In the past, you may as well stop where you know.

39. 不赶什么浪潮,也不搭什么船,我自己有海。

I don't catch any waves or take any boats. I have my own sea.

40. 眼中有光,心里有方向。

There is light in the eyes and direction in the heart.

唯美神仙 英文 句子带翻译

1. 有些人污蔑你,诋毁你,却又想要成为你。

Some people slander you, slander you, but want to be you.

2. 顺从自己,再想其他,都是风景,幸会。

Obedience to yourself and think about others are all scenery. Nice to meet you.

3. 别让怯弱否定了自己,别让懒惰耽误了青春。

Don't let cowardice deny you, and don't let laziness delay your youth.

4. 把自己活成一束光,自信坦荡,光芒万丈。

Live yourself into a beam of light, confident, magnanimous and radiant.

5. 好好等,会晚些,但会更好。

Wait, it'll be later, but it'll be better.

6. 往后的日子里别为难自己,别辜负岁月。

Don't embarrass yourself and live up to the years in the future.

7. 乌云上方就是晴空,你的彩虹总会出现。

Above the dark clouds is a clear sky, and your rainbow will always appear.

8. 夕阳总会照在你身上,你总会快乐一场。

The sunset will always shine on you, and you will always be happy.

9. 怕自己安于现状,又怕自己偷偷原谅。

I'm afraid of being content with the status quo and secretly forgiving myself.

10. 只要你还愿意努力,世界就会给你惊喜。

As long as you are willing to work hard, the world will surprise you.

11. 山鸟与鱼不同路,再见容易再见难。

Mountain birds and fish are different. It's easy to say goodbye, but difficult to say goodbye.

12. 因为有很好的人,所以生活很有意思。

Because there are good people, life is very interesting.

13. 先努力让自己发光,对的人才能迎着光而来。

First try to make yourself shine, and the right person can come to meet the light.

14. 世界从不平等,你有多努力,就有多特殊。

The world is never equal. How hard you work, how special you are.

15. 就让所有的事,都顺着它的本意慢慢发展。

Let everything develop slowly according to its original intention.

16. 我有我要赶去的远方,风雨兼程披星戴月。

I have a distant place I want to go. I travel through the wind and rain.

17. 短不可护,护短终短;长不可矜,矜则不长。

Short can not be protected, protect short end short; Don't be reserved for a long time, but be reserved for a long time.

18. 这山川如酒,敬旷世温柔,至死方休。

The mountains and rivers are like wine. Respect the world and be gentle until death.

19. 路靠自我走,就算再坎坷,也要自我过。

The road depends on yourself. No matter how rough it is, you have to live by yourself.

20. 烟火向星辰,所愿皆成真。

Fireworks to the stars, all wishes come true.

21. 我们还年轻,长长的人生可以受一点风浪。

We are still young and can withstand a little storm in our long life.

22. 野花肆意生长,爱意永不退散。

Wild flowers grow wantonly, and love never fades.

23. 我的口袋里,帮着你从城堡里逃走的星星。

In my pocket, the star that helped you escape from the castle.

24. 不要担心前路漫漫,同行的人不会走散。

Don't worry, there is a long way to go, and the people walking with you won't be separated.

25. 白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。

White tea, Qinghuan, nothing else. I'm waiting for the wind and waiting for you.

26. 煎和熬都是变美味的方式,加油也是。

Frying and boiling are both ways to become delicious, and so is refueling.

27. 尽力假装狂热,仍旧是大多数。

Trying to pretend to be crazy is still the majority.

28. 合群是平凡的开始,独行是拔尖的开端。

Gregarious is the beginning of the ordinary, solitary is the beginning of the top.

29. 所得皆所愿,所失亦无碍。

What you get is what you want, and what you lose is nothing.

30. 我将玫瑰藏于身后,期盼与你赴约。

I hide the rose behind me and look forward to my appointment with you.

31. 当你发现时间是贼了,它早已偷光你的选。

When you find that time is a thief, it has already stolen all your choices.

32. 一些人紧抿着唇,站成无爱无畏的月亮。

Some people close their lips and stand like a fearless moon.

33. 你要努力成为父母的依靠,父母的骄傲。

You should strive to become the dependence and pride of your parents.

34. 看透后,一半是理解,一半是算了。

After seeing through, half is understanding and half is forget it.

35. 在一起时讲勇敢讲真诚,分开时要讲良心。

When we are together, we should be brave and sincere, and when we are separated, we should be conscientious.

36. 款款独行,才不致倾溢出。

Walk alone, so as not to overflow.

37. 以前想要很多很多爱,现在只想睡个好觉。

I used to want a lot of love, but now I just want to have a good sleep.

38. 星星温柔泛滥,人间至善。

The stars are gentle and overflowing, and the world is the best.

39. 当你决定灿烂,山无遮,海无拦。

When you decide to be brilliant, the mountains are not covered and the sea is not blocked.

40. 能治愈你的,从来都不是时间,而是明白。

What can cure you is never time, but understanding.


1、I tasted it too early.


2、Even monsters have intentions.


3、At night I light the stars with my breath.


4、Don't make too much of it. The flowers are naturally fragrant.


5、I go through reincarnation, just to meet you.


6、Man's greatest enemy is himself.


7、The days ahead are long, and there is no fear of a long journey.


8、The sea of people is cold, you are hot in the world.


9、Take a seat first. I'll be back soon.


10、The more hungry, the more delicious the dinner is.


11、In another 10000 years, deep feelings will remain the same.


12、Live up to life and never lose your way.


13、If he doesn't, he doesn't like it.


14、The bravest thing I have ever done is to love you.


15、You are not my lover, how can you know my deep love.


16、It doesn't matter. I can vary from person to person.


17、Want to eat sad, but it is too big.


18、The boat died, and the river and the sea sent the rest of life.


19、The night in a small city is comfortable and happy.


20、Thank gravity for pulling me to you.


21、The long one is suffering while the short one is life.


22、Everything is irretrievably vulgar.


23、I've been looking for you. What's your name?


24、Warm the road with a smile.


25、The green shirt misty rain guest seems to be an old friend.


26、The wind is clear and happy from head to toe.


27、If you have good intentions, you will meet angels on your way.


28、You sit in the hall, don't touch the wind and snow.


29、Ordinary children love life.


30、It is better to ask others than yourself. Why look at others.


31、Three thousand fireworks splashed with ink will make you confused all your life.


32、This cool moon can wash away the dust on earth.


33、The road ahead is long. May the south wind sweep your sleeves.


34、The retro alleys sell warm sunshine in winter.


35、The grass will be green next year, but old friends will see it differently.


36、Time is dead and everything is safe.


37、It's worth going, and it's easy to give up.


38、The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend.


39、You know, my favorite person is you.


40、When the moon takes photos and thinks, she has to miss me.

