写经验 领红包





一 学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)







二 课时总安排

总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时

测试 课时 机动 课时


The goal:

The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

The key points of each unit:

Topic Functions Structures

U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

Greet people

Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

What questions

Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

U2 Things in the classroom

Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

What questions and Yes/No questions

How do you spell pen?

U3 The family Introduce people

Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

Subject pronouns:I,he,she

Yes/No questions

Plural nouns

U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

Prepositions: on,in,under

Subject pronouns: they

U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

Make suggestions Present tense to have

Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

Adjectives of quality


Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers

Affirmative and negative statements


Shopping Ask about prices

Talk about clothing

Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

How much questions


Dates Talk about dates When questions

Prossessive “s”

How old are you?


Movies Talk about preferences

Make plans Present tense to want

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Adjectives of quality

U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

Yes/No questions and short answers:

Affirmative and negative statements

What questions

U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

Ask about and say times When questions

What time is it?

Adverbs of frequency

U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

Give reasons What questions

Why questions

Who questions

Adjectives of quality

四、 教材分析



A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)









Week 1 Starter Unit 1 5课时

Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时

Week 3 Unit 1 6课时

Week 4 Unit 2 6课时

Week 5 Unit 3 6课时

Week 6 Revision 6课时

Week 7 Unit4 6课时

Week8 Unit 5 6课时

Week 9 Unit 6 6课时

Week 10 Revision 6课时

Week 11 Middle examination 6课时

Week 12 Unit 7 6课时

Week 13 Unit 8 6课时

Week 14 Unit 9 6课时

Week 15 Unit 10 6课时

Week 16 Unit 11 6课时

Week 17 Unit 12 6课时

Week 18 Revision 6课时

Week 19 Revision 6课时

Week 20 Final examination


Unit3. Why do yu like koalas?

The first period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects.

1)Key vocabulary

koala tiger elephent.dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo

cute map smart

2)Target language

Let’s see the pandas.

Why do you like see the tigers?

Because they are cute.

2.Ability Objects:

1)Train students’abilities of listening and speakng.

2) Enable and help the students to learn how to listen to and talk about animals.

3.Moral Object:

It is very important for everyone to love the nature and protect animals .The earth is our home and animals are our friends..It is our duty to love the nature and protect enviroment.

Ⅱ Teaching Key and Difficult Points

1)Describe the animals using the words and the target language.

2)Get students to learn “Why questions”, “Because answers” and the adjectives of quality.

Ⅲ.Teaching methods

1)Watching and describing methods

2) Oral practicing method.

Ⅳ.Teaching Aids:

1)objects and some pictures.

2)A recorder and computer

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures

Step1.Warming up

1) Play the tape,get the students to listen to music of animals

2) Play a guessing game.

T: Listening to the voices of animals.

What kinds of animals are they?

3) Show some pictures about animals after guessing and talk about animals.

T: Look,there is a big zoo in our city There are many animals in

it.Do you want to see the animals in the zoo?Let’s go into the

zoo.What kind of animals can you see?

Step2.Present the new words

1) T: Look. What is this in Chinese?


T: What is this in English?Do you know?

Ss: No

T: It is a koala. Read after me K-O-A-L A, koala.

2)Show some new words in the pictures.and teach students to learn them.:

koala tiger elephent.dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe

zoo cute map smart

Step3. Practice the new words(1a)

1)Get students to read the words in 1a

2)Match the words with the animals in the oictures.

3)After that check the answers.

Step4. Task

1) Look at the pictures of animals and describe the animals like this. T: Let’s see the pandas .Do you like them?

S1: Yes.I like them very much.

T: Why do you like them?

S1: Because they are cute .Let’s see the lions.

T: Why do you want to see the lions.?

S1: Because they are smart.

T: Do they live on the land or in the water?

S1: They live on the land.

(At the same time,Teach the students the words,smart,cute)

2)Get students to come up wth more new adjectives of quality to describe the animals.

cute, smart, fun, interesting, scary, shy, lazy.

(At this time,we can also let the students have a competition.This method can make the students active in class and it can help them develop their quick response and wide thinking)

3)Get students to ask and answer in pairs to descibe the animals.

4)Get students to performin in front of the class.

Step5. Listening

1)Play the tape,get students to listen and check.the animals in 1

2)Play the tape again.Ask students to work in pairs.Students listen and repeat after the recording

3)Check the answer.

Step6. Pairwork

1)Ask the students to make conversations in pairs. Show the followng.

A:Let’s see the elephant.

B:Why do you want to see the elephant?

A:Because they are very smart.

(T:Now please make conversations in pairs ,using the animals in Activity 1c.You can have a competition and let’s see which pair of students is the best?)

2)Get a few pairs to show their conversations.

Step7 Summary

Today we have learnt lots of new words of animals,and the target language.We can describe the animals and other things using the target language.Now,We should remember the earth is our home and animals are our friends. It is our duty to protect animals and love the nature. Step8 Homework.

1)Make a survey:What animals do you like?why?

2)Write them down and make a conversation

VI Blackboard design



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:

guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club


① —Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

② —What can you do? —I can dance.

③ —What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.

2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法

want to do sth.的用法

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;

2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。

2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Lead in

1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一

边说: I can play the guitar.…等;He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。

2. Ss look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities

with the people.

Then Check the answers with the class together.

Ⅱ. Presentation


He/She can dance/swim/sing/"··But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。

Ⅲ. Game (What can I do?)

T: Tell your partners what you can do. For example:

I can play the guitar. I can sing and dance.

Ss work in groups. The let some Ss talk to their classmates in front of the class. Ⅳ. Listening

1. T: Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right conversation, and number them 1-3. (播放lb部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,


2. Check the answers:(3, 2, 1 )

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Ask the Ss to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Then make their own conversations.


Ⅵ. Listening

1. Work on 2a;

T: Now, look at the pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations. Just listen.

(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully.)

Then, listen to the recording again, and circle the clubs you hear.

Check the answers with the class.

2.Work on 2b;


Check the answers with the Ss.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.

老师可以和一名优秀的学生做一个对话的例子,让学生们明白如何去问答,例如: T: What club does Lisa want to join?

S1: She wants to join the chess club.

T: Can she play chess?

S1: No, she can't.

2. Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answer about Lisa, Bob and Mary.

3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d. Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and try to

find out the answers to these questions.

① What club does Bob join?

② What club does Jane join?

Ss read the conversation by themselves and find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers:

① Bob joins the soccer club.

② Jane joins the English and art club.

2. Explain something that Ss can't understand.

3. Let Ss read after the teacher or play the recording and let Ss read after the recording.

4. Ss work in pairs to act out the conversation.

5. Ask some pairs come to the front of the classroom. They try to act out the conversation. See which group is the best.


1. Remember the new words and expressions after class.

2. Recite the conversation after class.

3. Write English names as many as possible in the exercises book.

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 继续练习运用情态动词can。学会询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长。 能掌握以下句型:

① —Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

② —What can you do?—I can dance.

③ —What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 让学生重点总结、发现情态动词can的用法。

2) 通过一些与学生们实际生活相贴近的教学活动,来达到熟练运用的目的。

2. 教学难点:

1) 情态动词can的用法;

2) 在实际交际活动中运用can来询问与表达自己或他人的能力。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Ask some Ss about their abilities.

T: Hi, S1! What can you do?

S1: I can sing and dance?

T: Can you play the guitar?

S1: Sorry, I can't. But I can play chess.

T: What club do you want to join?

S1: I want to join the chess club.

2. Role-play.

Let some pairs role play the conversation in 2c.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 阅读指导:

2. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

① 你会游泳吗?

______ you ______?

② 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。

Yes, ____ _______. / No, I _______.

… (其余试题见课件部分)

3. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。 Ⅲ. Try to Find


1. 可以看出,在Can…?句型中,情态动词can没有________和_______ 的变化。

2. 用情态动词can来询问他人的能力可以归纳为以下句型:

Can + _______+ _________ + 其他?


否定回答: _________________

What + can + _______ + ________ ?



Ⅳ. Practice

1. Look at 3a. 告诉学生们用所给的词汇来造句子。首先,用情态动词can及所给的第一个动词词组来造一个一般疑问句,并作出一个否定的回答。然后,用转折连词but及第二个词组造一个肯定句。

Teacher makes the first one as a model:

Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he can't, but he can speak Chinese.

Ss try to make sentences using the phrases in 2~5. They can discuss with their partners. Then let some Ss tell their answers to the class.

Check the answers with the class.

2. Look at 3b. Tell Ss that your school is going to have a School Show next week. What can you do? You can show your talent in it. In order to let all the students know about it. We have to write a poster. Now, read the poster below and try to complete the poster with the

words in the box.




Ⅴ. Group work

1. What can your group do in the school show? Make a list, then report to your classmates.

2. First, work in group ask and answer about what you can do? e.g.

S1: What can you do, S2?

S2: I can do kong fu.

S1: Great! What about you S3?

S3: I can sing very well.

3. Then make a list together.

4. Everyone in your group must write a report. Then select one student to report what your group can do. e.g.

In my group, Li Ming can do kong fu. Zhang Li can sing very well. Ma Shuang can dance well…


Ⅵ. Exercises

1. If time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen.Homework

1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.

2. Write a report about what your family members can do.



Unit1 My name’s Gina.




2、识记本单元词汇:what, this, in, English, a, an, map, orange, jacket, key, quilt, pen, ruler, spell, please, etc.






Step1 交流展示

Step2 精讲点拨:

What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

句中的your可根据问对象换成his、her等物主代词。What’s his name?(翻译) _________

Step3 Pairwork

1: Student A: What’s your name?

Student B: My name is Mary.


Student A: Hello! I’m Mary.

Student B: Hi, Mary! I’m Jim.

Step4 Summary :

1)向别人作自我介绍是通常用 My name is +自己的名字/ I’m +自己的名字

2)将下列单词分类 I , he, my, his, her, she, it, its

人称代词: _________






1. 在踢足球这个课余活动的话题中,掌握单词soccer ball, soccer shoes的准确读音,及框架句型Can you…?Yes, I can. No, I can’t 的用法。

2. 通过图片提示和动作辅助,学生能听懂并理解故事内容;通过师生互动,小组合作,能用正确使用的主体句式向他人询问能否做某事;通过听音模仿和情景表演等形式,能够准确表达课文中主体句式的情感。

3. 能过学习踢足球这一语境,提高学生运动的`意识。


1.词汇:soccer ball,soccer shoes,play soccer

2.句型:Can you play soccer? Yes, I can.


1. 单词soccer:soc-cer

2. 单复数句型的区分与应用





1. 歌曲热身:I can skate and I can jump. 师生共同唱歌。

2. 利用歌曲,询问学生能做的事情,过渡复习旧知。利用闪烁、遮挡和局部呈现的方式,让学生猜球。


初听课文:由“猜球”游戏,过渡到本课课文,带着问题“What do they want to do?”初听课文,同时,教师配相应的动作,帮助学生理解课文大意。


1. 根据初听课文的任务,再利用动作,让学生明确play soccer的含义,并利用不同的图片进行短语读音的操练。

2. 精听学说:带着问题“Does Robo know them?”精听课文。

(1)学说soccer ball:利用角色转变,练习读音,以及单数问句和回答。

(2)学说soccer shoes:利用词卡,开火车练习读音,以及复数问句和回答。


3. 学练新单词:soccer


(2)拼读规律:soc _ _ _,学生猜测后三个字母。利用课件,从前一个音节中的c,再分出一个字母c后,再增加字母组合er。

4. chant小结


1. 听音跟读,强化语音要点。

2. 分角色朗读课文。

3. 分小组表演课文,并展示。


1. 巩固游戏:学生在标有数字1-6的足球中,选择一个数字完成任务,任务以巩固新知为主。

2. 延续最后一个任务:根据短片内容创编对话,并进行角色扮演。


1. 总结:在众多运动图片中,学生自由选择,并表达能做的运动。

2. 作业:



写:写一写,写1-3个问题,下节课向同学和老师提问:Can you…?
