写经验 领红包



1. fair 展览会;交易会

job fair 人才市场

a book fair 书展

at the fair 在交易会上

exhibition 展览会;展出

exhibit v.陈列,展览,炫耀

It was at an exhibition of the artists’ works organized by the Red Cross. 这是在一次由红十字会举办的“艺术家作品展”的展览会上。

2. gold黄金-golden金色的

silver 银-silvery 银色的

copper 铜-coppery铜制的

bronze青铜; 青铜色

3. produce v.生产,制造 n. 农产品

production n. 生产

product n. 产品

productive富有成效的; 多产的;具有创造性的;

Mark Twin was quite productive in writing.

4. be widely known for/as 广为人知

The Internet is widely used in most families. 广泛使用

5. by hand 手工 hand-made 手工的 man-made 人工制造

hand over交给;递给 hand in 上交(作业、拾到的失物等)

firsthand第一手的;直接的;亲身的 firsthand experience

second hand 二手的second-hand cars

ask someone for a hand请求帮助;援手

lend/give sb. a hand 帮助某人 have a hand in 参与

the job or problem in hand手头的工作或问题,待处理的问题

sb. win hands down轻易取胜

show your hands 亮出底牌

6. process

1)v. 加工处理

Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.

2)n. 过程 be in the process of (doing )sth. 在做某事的过程中

The bridge is in the process of being built. 大桥正在建设中。

During the process of drawing, I add in blue and orange color.

但在画画过程中, 我加上了橙和蓝色.
