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1)current / &652;r&601;&712;k&601;nt; ˋk&601;nt/ n
[C] movement of water, air, etc flowing in a certain direction through slower-moving or still water, air, etc (水﹑气等的)流, 流动: The swimmer was swept away by the current. 那个游泳的人被激流卷走了.
例: She had to swim against the current. 她必须逆着水流往上游.
例: Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft. 悬挂式滑翔机藉着暖气流在高空飞行.
[U, sing] flow of electricity through sth or along a wire or cable 电流: a 15-amp current 强度为15安培的电流
例: Turn on the current. 接通电源.
例: A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse. 电压突然增加烧断了保险丝而使电灯熄灭. Cf 参看 alternating current (alternate2), direct current (direct1).
[C] course or movement (of events, opinions, etc); trend (事件﹑ 见解等的)趋向, 趋势, 倾向: Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village. 没有任何事干扰村里一向平静的生活.
例: We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling. 我们应该努力消除目前的这股反 政府情绪.