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导语:Go for it! 人教版七下 Unit 3

大家好!我是Pudding英语,点击右上方“关注”, 每天和您分享英语干货,希望能给您或者成长中的孩子们一定的帮助!

Section A 必掌握短语

1. take the train

2. take the bus

3. take the subway

4. ride a bike

5. get to school

6. have a good day at school

7. get home

8. drive one’s car to work

9. walk to school


1. How do you get to school?

How does she/he/Lisa/Mike …?

How do they …?

2. How long does it take…? It takes…

How long does it take to get home?

It takes about thirty minutes.

3. How far is it from…to…? It’s about…

How far is it from your home to school?

It’s only about two kilometers.

4. Do you…?

Does she/he/Anna…?

Do they…?


Do you go to school by bus?

No, I don’t. I go by bike.

Does Jane walk to school?

No, she doesn’t. She goes by subway.

Do they take the bus to school?

No, they don’t. They walk.

Section B 必掌握短语

1. bus stop

2. bus station

3. train station

4. subway station

5. ride my bike to the subway station

6. grandparents’ home

7. think of…

8. cross the river to school

9. for many students

10. It is +adj. + (for sb.) to do…

It is easy to get to school.

11. in China

12. between… and…

13. there be句型 There is a big river between their school and the village.

14. go on a ropeway

15. one/an 11-year-old boy

16. every school day

17. be afraid

18. play with sb.

19. be like

20. many of (the students and villagers)

21. come true

22. thanks for…

23. want to do…

24. talk to sb.

语法:一般现在时 (公式)


肯定句:主+am/is/are +…

否定句:主+ am not/isn’t/aren’t+…

一般疑问:Am/Is/Are +主+…?

Yes, 主+am/is/are.

No, 主+am not/isn’t/aren’t.

特殊问句:Wh-/How +一般疑问句?

do (否定句和问句要借助动词do, does)

肯定句:主+v.+… (主语是第三人称单数时,动词变单三形式)

否定句:主+ don’t/doesn’t +V.原形…()

一般疑问:Do/Does +主+ V.原形…?

Yes, 主+do/does.

No, 主+don’t/doesn’t.

特殊问句:Wh-/How +一般疑问句?



1. 一般情况,直接加s play-plays

2. 以s, x, ch,sh, 结尾, 加es

pass-passes, fix-fixes, watch-watches, teach-teaches

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y 为i 再加es study-studies

4. 以o 结尾,加es, do-does, go-goes

不规则变化 have-has
