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《Going places》教案

《Going places》教案(通用3篇)

《Going places》教案 篇1

  the sixth period integrating skills

  teaching goals

  1. target language

  1. do some reading and learn about eco-travel.

  2. do some writing and learn to write travel letters.

  2. abilities:

  train the students' reading and writing ability.

  teaching key points: get the students to understand the importance of eco-travel and improve the reading ability.

  teaching methods:

  1. fast reading to go through the reading material.

  2. discussion to finish the writing task.

  3. individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

  teaching aids: a multi-media room

  teaching procedures:

  stepⅰ. lead-in

  stepⅱ. warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show)

  stepⅲ. speaking team work /group work.

  stepⅳ. language points

  1. eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism and learning.

  2. normal travel is simply for pleasure and is often bad for the environment while eco-travel is a way of traveling responsibly to protect the environment and of finding out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.

  step ⅴ. homework / classwork

  根据以下提示,以travel 为题写一篇80字左右的短文

  1 当工作累了时,你可以旅游,领略大自然的美丽,呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友。

  2 有时旅游也会有烦恼,天气多变,有时可能被雨淋。

  3 旅游时应准备充分,了解天气情况,有个旅伴可以互相照应,避免出事。


  travel is a very good activity. when you’re fed up with your work or study, and when you’re free, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. you can breathe fresh air and make some friends. but sometimes, it is not a good thing. the weather often changes. you may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while traveling. therefore, you should prepare yourself carefully before the trip. you’d better find a companion so that you can help each other and may avoid accidents.

《Going places》教案 篇2

  the fifth period grammarteaching goals1. target language⑴. review the words learned in the last two periods.⑵. learn and master the present continuous tense for future actions communication: do you know the ways of doing things in the past? can you imagine the ways in the future?2. abilities: enable ss to understand the grammar.teaching key points: learn the present continuous tense for plans in the near future. teaching methods: discussing or cooperative learning. teaching aids: a multi-media room teaching procedures: stepⅰ. lead-instepⅱ. warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show) stepⅲ. speaking team work /group work.stepⅳ. language points 1. my brother bob is going with me to the airport.2. my plane leaves at seven.3. i think we’ll take a taxi. 4. i’m going to see a film this evening. =i’m going to the cinema this evening.5. i was about to go out when he came in.6. you are to gather at the school gate at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. stepⅴ. homework / class work choose the correct answer1. there ___________ an english evening next saturday. a. will have b. is to have c. is going to do d. is going to be 2. you’d better set about doing your homework now, or it___________ too late. a. is b. was c. has been d. will be 3. the boy is ill. he ___________ absent from school for at least a week. a. has to b. is to c. will have to d. will have to be 4. they won’t buy any new clothes because they ___________ money to buy a big house. a. save b. are saving c. is saving d. were saving 5. how ___________ you ___________ on with your work recently? a. do; get b. have; got c. are; getting d. were; getting suggested answers:1.d 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.c

《Going places》教案 篇3

  the first period warming up and speaking

  teaching goals

  1. target language

  words and expressions: traveling, transportation, consider, boarding call, destination.

  communication: what should you do when you are traveling?

  what do you have to consider before you decide the means of transportation?

  2. abilities: enable ss to learn how to deal with language difficulties in communication.

  teaching key points: improve the ss’ speaking ability.

  teaching methods: discussing or cooperative learning.

  teaching aids : a multi-media room

  teaching procedures:

  step ⅰ. lead-in

  step ⅱ. warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show)

  step ⅲ. speaking team work /group work.

  step ⅳ. language points

  1. consider高考常考动词之一,其主要用法可归纳为两点:

  (1)考虑 consider+ n./pron. /doing; consider+ clause; consider + wh- + to do sth.

  (2)把……看作;认为 consider+ that clause; consider sb.+(to be)+n../adj.

  2. trip, journey, travel, tour, voyage

  (1)trip一般指短距离的旅行;journey一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行。在现代英语中,trip和journey常可通用,和trip, journey搭配的动词有make, take和go on。




  3. means [用法]n. 手段,方法;工具(单复数相同)

  step ⅴ. homework / classwork

  ( ) 1. —merry christmas to you! —________.

  a.the same to you b.you do too c.the same as you d.you have it too

  ( ) 2. every possible means ___ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

  a. is used b. are used c. has been used d. have been used

  ( )3. rather than ____on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______a bicycle.

  a.ride; ride b.riding; ride c.ride; to ride d.to ride; riding

  ( )4. his mother had thought it would be good for his character to _____ from home and earn some money on his own.

  a.run away b.take away c.keep away d.get away

  ( )5. sally worked late in the evening to finish her report ______ her boss could read it first thing next morning.

  a.so that b.because c.before d.or else

  参考答案1-5 accda

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