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  过去完成时(The Past Perfect Tense):表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,对过去的某一点造成的某种影响或是结果。那么你们了解吗?有没有掌握呢?接下来小编在这里给大家带来英语过去完成时的用法,我们一起来看看吧!



  1. 表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,也有可能早已结束或完成。例如:

  When he was in Beijing, he visited places where he had played as a child. 他在北京的时候游览了他儿时曾玩过的地方。

  2. 表示一个过去的动作先于另一过去的动作的用法,这种情况多见于宾语从句。例如:

  He remembered that he had left the key at home. 他记得他把钥匙落家了。

  3. 表示一个动作或状态在过去某时之前已经开始,一直延续到这一过去时间,而且到那时还未结束,仍有继续下去的可能性。例如:

  By seven o’clock the worker had worked for ten hours. 到七点钟为止,那位工人已经工作十个小时了。

  4. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本……,未能……”。例如:

  We had hoped that you would come, but you didn’t.我们本希望你能来,但是你没来。

  5. 过去完成时与一般过去时的区别:

  (1) 过去完成时与一般过去时都可以和确定的过去时间状语连用,但意思有明显区别。试比较:

  He had finished his homework by eight. 他到八点钟的时候已经完成家庭作业了。

  He finished his homework at eight. 他在八点钟完成了家庭作业。

  (2) 用在宾语从句中,主句谓语为一般过去时的宾语从句中,既可用一般过去时,也可用过去完成时。但两种时态的意义明显不同。试比较:

  He said he was a soldier. 他说他是位军人。

  He said he had been a soldier. 他说他曾当过兵。

  (3) 在含有before的主从复合句中,一般情况下,在从句中使用一般过去时,主句中使用过去完成时。例如:

  Jack had finished his homework before he went out shopping. 杰克在购物前已经完成了他的家庭作业。


  Some people left for home before the film ended. 电影尚未放完,有些人就起身回家了。


  1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.

  2. The children ran away because they had broken the window.

  2. By the time he was twenty, he had written five novels.

  3. How many English songs had you learnt by the end of last term?

  4. As soon as the sun had set, we returned to our hotel.

  5. How long had Brown lived in the south before he came here?

  6. When he had eaten his lunch he asked for a glass of water.

  7. I hadn’t understood the problem until the teacher explained it.

  8. They had just got home when it began to rain.

  9. I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.

  10. He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.

  11. Mr. Smith died yesterday. He had been a good friend of mine

  12. I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I had not studied my lesson.

  13. I returned the book that I had borrowed.

  14. I met Tom yesterday. We hadn't seen each other since he went to Beijing.

  15. I thought I had sent the letter a week before.

  16. When I woke up, it had already stopped raining.

  17. We had hoped to be able to come and see you, but you were not at home.

  18. It was the third time that he had been out of work that year.

  19. We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term.

  20. They had planted six hundred trees by last Wednesday.
