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【 导语】学习是一件持之以恒的事情。当你的兴趣来了,你发奋努力学一段时间,一旦劲头过了,就往往敷衍了事,这样三天打鱼,两天晒网,自欺欺人的做法是很难把自己的成绩提高的。这不仅仅欺骗家长,还欺骗自己!平时生活中,对于意志薄弱的同学,要学会自我激励和自律。不断地激励自己,获得学习上持续性的动力,才能将学习搞好。以下是&3991e5;color:f5f7f7;padding-left:10px;line-height:35px;margin-bottom:8px;">1.英语八年级上册期中知识点 篇一










3.英语八年级上册期中知识点 篇三

  一、 v+ do

  1. Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

  Let sb not do sth 让某人不做某事

  2.why not do sth = why don’t you do sth 做什么怎么样 为什么不做?

  Why not put on a raincoat, its raining outside. 外面在下雨,为什么不穿个雨衣呢?

  3. Make sb do sth 使某人做某事

  I will do my best to make my dream come true. 我会尽我所能去使我的梦想实现。

  Make sb + adj 使某人………..

  The story makes us happy。

  二、v+ doing

  1. practice doing sth 练习做某事 our English teacher told us to practice speaking English every day。英语老师叫我们每天练习说英语。

  2. finish doing sth 完成做某事 my mum asks me to finishing cleaning up my room before she come from work。 妈妈要求我在她下班回来之前打扫干净我的房间。

  3. Enjoy doing sth 享受做某事

  The boys are enjoying playing basketball 孩子们正在操场上享受打篮球。

  4. stand doing sth 忍受做某事她不能忍受欺骗他人

  5. mind doing sth 介意做某事? 你介意开门吗?

  6. keep doing sth. 继续做某事

  She will keep fighting in this new semester. 在新学期,她将继续努力奋斗

  7. miss 想念 I miss you very much

  Miss sth 错过………….he got up late this morning,so he missed the bus

  Miss doing sth 错过做某事。He missed having the class,because he got up late。

  8. Sb spend time with sb 与某人共度时间

  I spend the weekend with my grandparents。

  Sb spend (time/ money) 某人在某事花费时间,金钱

  Sb spend (time/money)(in)doing sth 某人花费时间、金钱做某事 (人作主语)

  I spent two hours (in)reading the novel last night.

  It takes sb (time/ money) 某事花费某人多少时间,金钱 (it 作主语)

  It took me two hours to read the novel last night。

  Sb pay sth money= pay money for sth 为………..付多少钱。 (人作主语)

  I paid ten dollars for that book

  Sth cost sb money 某物花费某人多少钱 (物作主语)

  That book cost me ten dollars。

  9.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

  He succeeds in giving up the smoking 他成功地戒了烟。
