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【 导语】初中的课堂上,好成绩学生大多取决于在老师课堂上认真学习,研究透彻,这样课后就会少花些时间,在课堂别走神,因为新知识和新内容比较多,一旦走神,后面的学习任务很难跟上,听不懂的地方也要记下来,课后再问。本篇文章是&3991e5;color:f5f7f7;padding-left:10px;line-height:35px;margin-bottom:8px;">1.七年级下册英语期末考试重点 篇一

  一、以下词或短语后须 跟 “ 动词ing ”

  1. like doing sth, enjoy doing sth, stop doing sth

  see sb doing sth, hear sb doing sth, watch sb doing sth, 看见/ 听见/观察到某人正在。

  I saw him climbing the tree. 我看见他在爬树。We watched them playing chess.

  Can you hear the birds singing in the trees?

  be busy doing sth, 正忙着……

  2. go shopping/ swimming/ fishing / climbing /hiking / skating/ skiing/traveling

  3. 介词后跟“ 动词ing ”

  thank you for helping / telling me , what /how about doing sth

  be good at doing sth= do well in doing … by doing sth, before doing

  二、掌握重点序数词 the + 序数词 , 某月某日用序数词

  one---first, two---second, three---third, on the second floor

  turn left at the first turning = take the first turning on the left

  turn right at the third crossing = take the third crossing on the right

  on February 3rd, on August 11th, on November 2nd

  可简写为1st, 2nd, 3rd, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 31st,(注意11th, 12th)

  序数词口诀: 一二三特殊变,五和十二去ve改f加th,八去t九除e,整十位去y改i加eth,两位数,十位不变个位变。

  重点掌握:one-first, two-second, three-third, five-fifth, nine-ninth twelve—twelfth twenty—twentieth, forty-fortieth, thirty-one—thirty-first

3.七年级下册英语期末考试重点 篇三

  1、can't stand无法忍受

  stand(1)vt.容忍,忍受(=bear) 进行时,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中,强调不喜欢,常与cancould等情态动词连用。

  句型: can't stand sth.不能忍受某物

  can't stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事

  can't stand sb.doing sth.不能忍受某人做某事

  I can't stand the hot weather.我忍受不了炎热的天气。

  I can't stand living here any longer.我不能忍受继续呆在这儿了。

  He can't stand her making the same mistake again.他忍受不了她又犯同样的错误。


  There stands a big tree on the top of the mountain.山顶上有一颗大树。

  2、I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜欢跟随故事看接下来发生什么。

  follow vt.跟随(=go after)following adj接着的,其次的

  Spring follows winter.冬去春来。 句型follow sb. to do sth.跟着某人做某事

  His mother followed him to see where he was going.他 妈妈跟着他,看他要去哪儿。


  (1)follow vt.遵循,仿效

  短语:follow one's advice听从某人的劝告

  follow one's example学某人的榜样

  You should follow your teacher's advice and work hard.你应该听老师的劝告,努力学习。

  (2)follow vt.听懂,听清

  I'm afraid I can't follow you,sir. Could you please speak more slowly?先生,我没听清,您能说更慢点吗?

  happen vi."发生",与take place同义。

  I don't know how this happened.我不知道这事是怎么发生的。

  句型:sth. happen+地点|时间状语 某时某地发生了某事

  sth. happen to sb.某人发生了什么事

  sth. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事

  A car accident happened to her this morning.今天上午她出了车祸。

  He happened to meet a friend of his on the street yesterday afternoon.


  辨析:happen与take place

  happen指偶然的、计划外的事情发生。 take place指计划中的事情发生。

  What happened when you told him the news?你告诉他这个消息时,他有何反应? Great changes have taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。

5.七年级下册英语期末考试重点 篇五








  肯定回答是:Yes,主语 +may。否定回答是:No,主语+mustn't。或please don't。

  join+某个组织,俱乐部,party,参军,党派等 “加入”

  Join sb. “参加到某人中” join in (doing)sth “加入做......,参加某个活动” Join in=take part in +活动,比赛



  5、擅长于(做)什么:be good at +名词/动ing

  6、帮助某人做某事:help sb. (to ) do sth. help sb. with sth.

  7、我能知道你名字吗?May I know your name?

  8、想要做什么:want to do sth 例如:I want to learn about art.

  9、What club do you want to join?

  I want to join the chess club and the basketball club.

  10、What club does Tom want to join? He wants to join the swimming club .

  11、He can’t play the violin or the piano. Can you help kids with swimming?

  12、Why do you want to join the English club? Because I want to learn English well.
