写经验 领红包


【 导语】通过做题,学生可以检验自己的学习成果,找出不足之处,进一步提高自己的学习能力。为您提供《四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案》,帮助学生巩固英语知识,提高英语能力。1.四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇一


  (   ) 1.That is___________ interesting film.

  A. a B. the C. an

  (   ) 2.China has 7 gold medals____ the 36th World Table Tennis Championship.

  A. on B. from C. of

  (   ) 3.She _______like_________ stories.

  A. doesn't...reading B. doesn't...read C. don't...reading

  (   ) 4.What do you think_______the cartoon?

  A. on B. at C. of

  (  ) 5.I think she can_________a fairy.

  A. be B. is C. are

  答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 2.四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇二


  1. come__________   2. catch________

  3. give ________   4. get________

  5. run ________    6. help_________

  答案:1.coming 2.catching 3.giving 4.getting 5.running 6.helping3.四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇三


  1.(Don't, Doesn't) play basketball in the classroom.

  2. There ___________ ( are, is)a book and two pencil-boxes on the desk.

  3.Our classmates often________ (running, run) in the morning.

  4.Can your mum ____________ (singing, sing) well?

  5.(Do, does) you like _________ (playing, play) basketball?

  6.They are good at __________ (doing, do)the high jump.

  答案:1.Don't 2.is 3.run 4.sing 5.Do, playing 6.doing4.四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇四


  1.some, I, we, rice, need, think

  2.for, you, do, want, starters, what?

  3.I, the, Chinese, please, cabbage, soup, can, have?

  4.thanks, me, for, nothing.

  5.course, of, no, problem.


  1.I think we need some rice.

  2.What do you want for starters?

  3.Can I have the Chinese cabbage soup, please?

  4.Nothing for me, thanks.

  5.Of course, no problem.5.四年级下册英语期末练习题及答案 篇五


  (interesting, do, really, of, doesn't, too, don't, either, watching, like)

  Teacher:What________ you think _____ the entertainments?

  Jiamin:I________the film. It's funny.

  Sally:I______ like the play. I think it'sboring. My father_____ like the play______.

  Susan:The concert is __________ nice. I like it very much.

  Tom:I like the computer game best. I think it is____________.

  Jack:I like computer game, _______. But I don't like______TV.

  答案:do, of, like, don't, doesn't,either, really, interesting, too, watching
