写经验 领红包
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关键字是指在数据库中有意义的字,通常是数据库内部使用, 不能用于命名用户的数据对象。 有的数据库还会详细划分,例如分为关键字,候选字,甚至更详细的分类。分类的标准例如有的是绝对不可以使用,有的通过一定手段例如添加双引号可以使用。





absolute action add after alias all allocate alter and any are arith_overflow as asc assertion async at authorization avg

before begin between bit bit_length boolean both breadth break browse bulk by

call cascade cascaded case case cast catalog char char_convert char_length character character_length check checkpoint close clustered coalesce coalesce collate collation column commit completion compute confirm connect connection constraint constraints continue controlrow convert corresponding count create cross current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor cycle

data database date day dbcc deallocate dec decimal declare default deferrable deferred delete depth desc describe descriptor deterministic diagnostics dictionary disconnect disk distinct domain double drop dummy dump

each else elseif end end-exec endtran equals errlvl errordata errorexit escape except exception exclusive exec execute exists exit exp_row_size external extract

FALSE fetch fillfactor first float for foreign found from full func

general get global go goto grant group

having holdlock hour

identity identity_gap identity_insert identity_start if ignore immediate in index indicator initially inner inout input insensitive insert install int integer intersect interval into is isolation

jar join join

key kill

language last leading leave left less level like limit lineno load local lock loop lower

match max max_rows_per_page min minute mirror mirrorexit modify modify module month

names national natural nchar new new next no noholdlock nonclustered none not null nullif nullif numeric numeric_truncation

object octet_length of off offsets oid old on once online only open operation operators option or order others out outer output output over overlaps

pad parameters partial partition pendant perm permanent plan position precision preorder prepare preserve primary print prior private privileges proc procedure processexit protected proxy_table public


raiserror read readpast readtext real reconfigure recursive ref references referencing relative remove reorg replace replication reservepagegap resignal restrict return return returns returns revoke right role rollback routine row rowcount rows rule

save savepoint schema scroll search second section select sensitive sequence session_user set setuser shared shutdown signal similar size smallint some space sql sqlcode sqlerror sqlexception sqlstate statistics stringsize stripe structure substring sum syb_identity syb_restree syb_terminate system_user

table temp temporary test textsize then there time timestamp timezone_hour timezone_minute to trailing tran transaction translate translation trigger trim TRUE truncate tsequal type

under union unique unknown unpartition update upper usage use user user_option using

value values varchar variable varying view virtual visible

wait waitfor when when whenever where while with without work write writetext

