写经验 领红包
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“尽管”的英文表达有5种方式,它们分别是“ Though、Although、Even though、Despite、In spite of”。它们的意思相似,都用于两种事物之间的对比,中文都有“尽管”的意思。

这5个词容易混淆,搞清楚它们的用法非常有必要。我们将“ Though、Although、Even though”放在一起讨论,将“ Despite、 In spite of”放在一起讨论。

一、 “Despite” 与 “In spite of”的用法

“ Despite”与“ In spite of”这两个词都有“尽管”的意思,主要用于书面语中,“ Despite”比“ In spite of”更正式一些。它们都是介词短语,都可以用在句子的开头或中间,在句子结构中的用法是一致的。

1、 “Despite/ In spite of + 名词”的表达

“Despite、 In spite of ”后面可跟名词。例如:

We enjoyed our trip in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,我们还是玩得很开心。

Despite the pain in his leg he finished the race. 尽管腿痛,他还是完成了比赛。

2、“ Despite/ In spite of + 动名词”的表达

“Despite、 In spite of ”后面可跟动名词。例如:

Despite having all the necessary qualifications, they didn&39;t pass the exam. 尽管他学习很努力,他还是没有通过考试。

总结: “ Despite”除了比“ In spite of”更正式以外,在句子结构中的用法完全一样,它们之间可以互换。

二、“ Although”与“ Though、 Even though”的用法

“ Although、Though、 Even though”这三个词都是连词,在两种事物的对比中起连接作用,中文都有“尽管”的意思。与“ Despite/in spite of”相比,它们在口语中使用较多。“ Though”比“ Although”在口语中更常见,当我们想要强调两种事物之间形成的对比时,我们用“Even though“。

1、“ Although”与“ Though、 Even though”放在句子开头时,这时从句出现在主句之前,从句后面要加一个逗号。例如:

Although he has lived in an English-speaking country for many years, he still doesn&39;t much time, we managed to finish our work on time. 虽然时间不够多,我们还是设法按时完成的工作。

Even though you told me ten times, I still forgot. 尽管你告诉我10次,我还是忘了。

2、“ Although”与“ Though、 Even though”放在句子中间时,这时主句在前面,主句后面不需要加逗号。例如:

He was very energetic although he was old. 尽管他老了,他还是充满活力。

I still feel hungry even though I had a big lunch. 尽管我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,我还是感到饿了。

3、“ Although、 Though、 Even though”都可以放在句子的开头和中间,但是“ Though”还可以放在句子的结尾,作副词用,相当于“However”,中文为“不过、不管怎样、无论如何”。例如:

A: That&39;s totally worth it, though. 不过,完全值得。

4、“ Although”与“ Though、 Even though.”引导的从句可以简化。

当“Although、Though、 Even though”引导的从句放在前面,从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,我们可以省略从句的主语和助动词,简化从句使句子更简洁。例如:

Although she didn't want to go, she went to work.尽管她不想去,她还是去上班了。

可以简化为: Although not wanting to go, she went to work.

Though the new machine is more expensive, it is safer and more efficient. 尽管这个新机器更昂贵,但是它更安全更有效。

可以简化为: Though more expensive, the new machine is safer and more efficient.

总结: “ Although”与“ Though、 Even though”放在句子的开头或中间时,他们的意思是一样的,都是“尽管”。“ Though”比“ Although”在口语中使用更常见,“ Even though”强调前后两个事物的对比。只有“ Though”可以使用在句子结尾,相当于“However”。
