写经验 领红包

fe 英语(fecig英语)



1.分崩离析:disintegrate; fall to pieces; come apart

2.分道扬镳:part company; go separate ways; dissociate

3.分而治之:divide and rule

4.分光吃光:total distribution and total consumption

5.分化瓦解:disintegrate; divide and demoralize

6.分进合击:concerted attack by converging columns

7.分门别类:different; various

8.分片包干:divide up the work and assign a part to each

9.分期付款:installment payment

10.分庭抗礼:meet as equals

11.分文不值:worthless; not worth a dime

12.分文未得:not take a single cent; get no money

13.纷至沓来:keep pouring in; come thick and fast

14.焚尸扬灰:burning the corps and scattering the ashes

15.焚书坑儒:burning books and burying Confucian scholars alive

16.粉墨登场:make oneself up and go on stage; embark upon a political venture

17.粉身碎骨:have one’s body smashed to pieces and one’s bones ground to powder; die the most cruel death

18.粉妆玉琢:silvery white

19.奋不顾身:regardless of one’s safety

20.愤愤不平:indignant; resentful; aggrieved


fen 英语(fencing英语)
