写经验 领红包




This artist&39;s time. The primary star, called 30 Ari B, has a companion -- the small &34; star shown at upper left. This pair of stars is itself locked in a long-distance orbit with another pair of stars (upper right), known as 30 Ari A. Researchers using instruments at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif., recently discovered the red star at upper left, bringing the total number of known stars in the system from three to four.

这位艺术家的构想展示了30个Ari系统,其中包括四颗恒星和一颗行星。这颗行星是一颗气态巨行星,大约一年后绕其主星(黄色)运行。主恒星30 Ari B有一个伴星——左上角显示的小“红矮星”。这对恒星本身与另一对恒星(右上角)锁定在一个远距离轨道上,这对恒星被称为30 Ari a。研究人员使用加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥附近帕洛马尔天文台的仪器,最近发现了左上角的红星,使系统中已知的恒星总数从三颗增加到四颗。
