写经验 领红包
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English Basic Exercise 8

1. I ____ to bed until I finished my homework.

A. went B. would go C. didn’t go D. won’t go

2. Yesterday I wrote ____ letter to my teacher.

A. an eight-hundred words B. a eight-hundred-words

C. an eight-hundred-word D. an eight hundred words

3. I have watched the TV play before. I will watch it ____ second time.

A. this B. a C. another D. /

4. It was so dark that we ____ see anything.

A. could hardly B. hardly could C. could hardly not D. couldn’t hardly

5. Jack was killed ____ the early morning of May 1st, 1927.

A. in B. at C. on D. for

6. They were all pleased with ____ them.

A. what you said B. what did you say C. what you had spoken D. what you had told

7. She is ____ in the ____ story.

A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting

C. interesting; interesting D. interested; interested

8. ---- ____ does your brother go back home?

---- Four times a month.

A. How long B. What time C. How often D. How many

9. ---- Pass me the pencil, please.

---- ____ .

A. Yes, please. B. That’s right. C. Excuse me. D. Here you are.

10. Flying to Beijing means ____ .

A. going to Beijing by plane B. going to Beijing by a plane

C. going to Beijing by train D. going to Beijing


1. 这个男孩多高啊!

_____ _______ ______ ______ is!

2. 树上的香蕉很难够到。

The bananas ____ the tree are _______ _____ ______.

3. 现在外面很冷,最好把衣服穿上。

It ____ very _____ outside now. You’d better _____ _____ your coat.

4. 他们将要去农场干活。

They _____ _____ _____ ____ on a farm.


_____ _____ the boat _____ _____?

练习答案:1----5 CCBAA 6----10 DBCDA

翻译填空:1. How tall the (this) boy 2. on, hard to reach 3. is, cold, put on

4. are going to work 5. What does, look like
