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三年级背单词app(三年级 背单词)


三年级背单词app(三年级 背单词)

familiar adjective

Well known, as from repeated experience:

I heard the familiar voice of the announce.

fan noun

A person with a keen interest in or admiration for someone or something:

My friends are basketball fans.

festive adjective

Merry; joyous :

We were in a festive mood at the parade.

figure verb

To work out by thinking:

The guide will figure out a way to cross the mountains.

fine adjective

Excellent; of high quality:

This shop sells only fine foods.

flexible adjective

Easily bent; bendable:

For running ,choose shoes with flexible soles.

foggy adjective

Full of , having , or covered by fog:

Lighthouses are a big help to ships on foggy nights.

fondly adverb

Lovingly or tenderly:

Mom always looks at me fondly.

fraction noun

Part of a whole unit :

Learning new things takes a fraction of the school day.

gadget noun

A small mechanical device:

A can opener is a gadget.
