写经验 领红包





Career and occupation 工作与职业

1、Interpersonal skills 人际交流技能7、Changing jobs/careers 跳槽与工作改变

2、Stress management 减压8、Part-time positions 兼职工作

3、Safty and health hazards 安全及健康危害9、Graduate unemployment 毕业生失业

4、Telecommuting 远程办公10、Work vs. family 工作与家庭

5、Women at workplace 女性参加工作11、Qualification vs. experience 资历与经验

6、Job satisfaction 工作的满意度12、Working in rural areas 去乡村工作


Some people think that people working at home can benefit the employees a lot, not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many people change their jobs frequently, some believe it is good for their development while others hold different opinions. What is your opinion?



1.the tempo\pace of life has increased 生活节奏加速 2.social settings 社会环境

3.religious belief 宗教信仰 4.educational level 教育程度 5.a sense of belonging 归属感

6.sedentary lifestyle 缺少运动的生活方式 7.live a high-pressured and fast-paced lifestyle 高压力


8.nurture a good state of mind 养成良好的心态 9.block out worries 争取减少忧虑

10.balance work and family 平衡工作和生活

11.a means of self-expression 自我表达的一种方式 12.follow blindly 盲目追求

13.root in daily life 源于生活 14.over nourishment 营养过剩

15.create alienation between people 人与人之间疏远16.money-worshiping、mercenary、materialistic 过于


17.pursue maximum profit 追求最大限度利润 18.poverty alleviation 扶贫

19.job opportunity、employment opportunity 就业机会 20.promotion opportunity 提升机会

21.switching jobs、job-hopping 换工作\跳槽 22.acquire a wide array of skills 发展多种技能 23.lack of self-motivation 缺乏动力 24.directionless\aimless 没有目标 25.egoism 利己主义\altruism 利他主义 26.soothe the soul 平缓情绪

27.utilised as a form of propaganda 用做一种宣传手段 28.enrich cultural life 丰富文化生活

29.enhance the quality of life 提高生活质量 30.conform the existing rules 墨守成规 31.satisfied with material comforts 满足于物质 32.spiritual needs 精神享受

33.achieve a balance between work and pleasure 劳


34.time-conscious people 时间观念很强的人35.impoverished、destitute、indigent 贫穷的36.affluent、wealthy、well-off 富裕的 37.urban 城市的 rural 乡村的 38.urbanization 城市化

39.the disparity between the city and the countryside


40.relocate 搬迁 41.telecommute 在家上班

42.leisure、recreation、entertainment 休闲、娱乐 43.laissez-faire management 宽松的管理 44.operating costs、overhead costs 运营成本 45.labor pool 劳动力资源

46.depression 抑郁症/insomnia 失眠症 47.population explosion 人口爆炸 48.gender equality 两性平等

49.gender discrimination、sexism 性别歧视 50.child bearing 生育孩子/child rearing 抚养孩子 51.elderly people、senior citizens 老年人 52.family bonds\ties 家庭成员间的情感纽带

