写经验 领红包



repair v. 修理;修复 n. 修理,修补;修补部位



还有抽象的弥补make up/offset,修复restore,挽救rescue等之意

repair a car/roof/road/televison.

Goldsmith has repaired the roof to ensure the house is wind-proof.

The gas people haven`t called to repair the cooker.

Love the Chinese nation,repair the Great Wall.爱我中华,固我长城

the truck was beyond repair vt 修理

Who repaired her old furniture ?

The cost of repairing earthquake damage could be more than seven-thousand-million dollars.vt 弥补

The first and most important thing was to rapair my relationship with my father. vt 挽救

the existing hospital is in a bad state of repair n 维修

the new government moved quickly to repair relations with the USA 修复

mend vt. 修理,修补;改善;修改

vi. 改善,好转 n. 好转,改进;修补处



a patch was used to mend the garment

foot injuries can take months to mend

This shirt is too old to mend.

My mother used to mend my shoes when I was young.

Dad can mend any broken toy.

fix vt. 使固定;修理;安装;准备 vi. 固定



用于英语口语中,可表示repair 和mend 含义

Can you fix the borken chair?

He fixed my old computer.

Could you fix the brakes on the car?


v 确定(时间,日期等)

v 表示【确定;安排;准备;决定】 Eg:Mother is fixing lunch.

v 表示为做某事而确定时间/地点等 Eg:We haven`t fixed a date for the meeting.

v 表示目光/注意力集中于某物,+on/upon Eg:The little boy fixed all his attention on his homework.

v 解决(solve/settle/figure out算出,计算出,想出/work out算出,制定出,想出,弄懂,锻炼)

Eg:Fortunately,he and his government seem to know how to fix it.

set it up/fix it up 安排一下;安排好

fix up 修理,打理,为...做好安排

Eg:You know why the Bakers haven`t fixed up their yard till now?
