为什么是havebeedead(为什么had bette do)
为什么说Have better cooperation不正确
在现代职场,每个人几乎都会接触到英文书信的往来,当信中写道“ Have better cooperation"是什么意思呢?
为了表达希望和对方「合作愉快」,我们经常在Email结尾写一句话,不知是否恰当:“I hope we can have better cooperation in the future."
“I hope we can have better cooperation in future."这句话传达的意思,并不是合作愉快,而是「希望下一次合作比这次好」,言下之意,这次合作不太好。假如你不想让人错解意思,这样写就不恰当,要表达希望和对方合作的诚意,怎么说好?
1. Work with/team up with
错误:I hope we can have better cooperation in the future.
正确:I look forward to working with you again.
「合作」最简单的讲法是work together,或者还有一个实用的片语也有合作的意思,是team up with。
He didn&39;s visit further promoted the cooperation between the two countries. 总理的访问进一步促进了两国间的合作。
错误:Thank you for your collaboration!
正确:Thank you for your cooperation!
错误:We ask for your full collaboration during the investigation.
正确:We ask for your full cooperation during the investigation.
温馨提示:通过以上关于为什么说Have better cooperation不正确内容介绍后,相信大家有新的了解,更希望可以对你有所帮助。