写经验 领红包




淘了本书,叫 Chinese Stuff《中国东西》


锦旗:Embroidered banner

When the Chinese want to express their gratitude in the most respectful manner, they would present a banner embroidered with the praise.


"Hua Tuo (an ancient doctor) reborn, bring back spring with wonderful hands" as shown in the picture, or "Virtuous doctor who helps the needed with great skills".

三好学生奖状:Certificate of merit for "Three-Good Student"

"Three-Good Student" is the most coveted honor for Chinese students and their aspiring parents... Occasionally, a guest would go home and reprimand his or her less diligent child and promise to reward the child if he or she gains such a certificate.(深有体会...)


"Three Good" refer to "virtue, intelligence and physical health." It is intended for those who are balanced in all three respects. But in reality, most parents and teachers only focus on the second standard, or the scores of examinations.


二锅头 Erguotou


The name Erguotou comes from its production technique. The liquor is distilled three times, but the second distillation produces the most mellow and fragrant liquor.

劝酒常用词(to persuade guests to down another cup of liquor):

无酒不成席:a banquet won't be complete without liquor

感情深,一口闷:deep feelings are shown in emptying the glass at a stretch

搓衣板 Clothes scrubbing board

Before washing machines became affordable for most families, the scubbing board was indispensable for each family.


There is another function about the scrubbing board. When a husband does something wrong, a wife might punish him by ordering him to kneel down on the scrubbing board... "Kneeling on the scrubbing board" is more of a joke today.

花露水 Toilet water

toilet water 字面意思是“厕所水”,实际上它表示“a weak perfume”。不过尽管“toilet water”确实是“花露水”,产品叫这个名字挺尴尬的。


“花露水”的始祖要追溯到纽约 Lanman & Kemp 公司 1808 年生产的 Florida Water,是一种类似古龙水的香水。后来引进国内被称为“林文烟花露水”,风靡一时。

Florida Water 译成“花露水”的灵感可能是来自韦庄的“柳烟轻,花露重,思难任”,也有说是来自欧阳修的“花露重,草烟低,人家帘幕垂。”。

如今国内盛行的花露水不再用作香水,而是以中草药制成的功能性花露水,用来清热解毒、祛痱止痒。在 Ebay 上它属于“Insect Repellent Sprays”,可以用作驱蚊(mosquito repellent),止痒( itch soother):



Most people use toilet water to keep mosquitoes and other insects away in summer. But years ago, wearing a bit of slightly scented toilet water was almost like putting on the top quality perfume.

